§ 17.550.010 APPLICABILITY.
   A.   Administrative Modification. The Director may grant an Administrative Modification for only the development standards identified in Table 5-2 (Administrative Modifications). An Administrative Modification may be granted only once for a specific type of request per parcel. A request exceeding the limitations identified in Table 5-2 (Administrative Modifications) shall require the filing of an application for a Variance. Nonconforming parcels that comply with the criteria for a legal building site pursuant to Zoning Code § 17.610.035 shall be eligible for an administrative modification request and may be granted an administrative modification provided findings pursuant to CCMC § 17.550.020.A can be made.
Table 5-2
Administrative Modifications
Types of Administrative Modification Allowed
Maximum Adjustment
Table 5-2
Administrative Modifications
Types of Administrative Modification Allowed
Maximum Adjustment
1.   Dwelling unit size. A decrease in the minimum square footage requirements for dwelling units.
2.   Fence, walls, or retaining walls. Fences, gates, pilasters, or walls in the side or rear yards that exceed 6 feet in height.
Not to exceed 8 feet
3.   Distances between structures. A decrease in the minimum distance between a detached accessory structure and the main structure.
4.   Open space. A decrease in the minimum open space requirements.
5.   Parking. A decrease in the minimum parking lot and loading dimensions (e.g., aisle, driveway, and space widths).
6.   Projections. An increase in the allowed projections into setbacks in compliance with § 17.300.020 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions)
7.   Setbacks. A decrease in the minimum required setbacks.
8.   Structure height. An increase in the maximum allowable structure height; provided that the increase complies with the height limitation established by the 1990 City of Culver City initiative.
   B.   Variance. The Commission may grant a Variance from the requirements of this Title; except that a Variance shall not allow a use of land not otherwise allowed in the applicable zoning district by Article 2 (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses and Zone-Specific Standards).
   C.   Reasonable Accommodation. The Director may grant reasonable accommodations from the requirements of this Title that may be necessary to ensure equal access to housing for an individual with a disability.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2013-008 § 3 (part); Ord. No. 2019-004 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2022-008)