When parking is provided, the following requirements shall apply unless otherwise noted in this Title.
   A.   Access to Parking Areas and Parking Spaces.
      1.   Access to parking areas. Parking areas shall be designed to prevent access at any point other than at designated access drives.
      2.   Parking space location. Parking spaces shall not be located within 10 feet of an access driveway, measured from the property line. See Figure 3-8 (Parking Space Location) below.
      3.   Internal maneuvering area. Parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that vehicles enter the street in a forward direction, except for single-family homes, duplexes or triplexes on non-arterial streets, which may be designed to permit backing a vehicle into a public street right-of-way.
   B.   Access to Adjacent Sites. Applicants for non-residential developments are encouraged to provide shared vehicle and pedestrian access to adjacent non-residential properties for convenience, safety and efficient circulation.
   C.   Parking Space and Lot Dimensions.
      1.   Parking spaces.
         a.   Residential spaces. Parking spaces within carports shall have minimum dimensions of 9 feet in width by 18 feet in length for each vehicle. Parking spaces within garages shall have minimum dimensions of 9 feet in width by 18 feet in length for each vehicle with minimum interior dimensions for a 2-car garage of 20 feet, 6 inches in width by 18 feet in depth; and for a 1-car garage 10 feet, 6 inches in width by 18 feet in depth. Uncovered parking spaces shall have a minimum dimension of 8 feet, 6 inches feet in width by 18 feet in depth. Access to a garage or carport located behind a dwelling unit shall have a backup aisle of 17 feet with a 45 degree angle leading to a driveway. See Figure 3-9 (Residential Garage/Carport and Driveway) below.
         b.   Tandem parking spaces. Each tandem parking space shall be 9 feet in width by 18 feet in depth.
            i.   Within residential districts or within the residential parking area of a mixed use development tandem parking spaces may be provided. Tandem parking may be arranged to be no more than 2 spaces in depth.
            ii.   Within non-residential districts, tandem parking may be provided where authorized through a Parking Plan approval by the Director. The use of the tandem parking for non-residential uses shall require that the operator of the parking facility provide a valet or attendant at all times that the parking is accessible to users, except where the Director determines that the nature of the use and its operation will not require attended parking. Tandem parking may be arranged to be no more than 3 spaces in depth.
         c.   Compact Parking Spaces. Within non-residential districts, compact spaces may be provided for up to 25 percent of the off-street parking provided. Compact spaces shall measure a minimum of 7 feet, 6 inches by 15 feet, and shall not be eligible for further reductions (e.g. through an Administrative Modification or other entitlement). Compact spaces shall be clearly marked as compact.
         d.   All other parking spaces. Minimum parking spaces dimensions shall be as shown in Table 3-4 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions) and Figure 3-10 (Parking Space and Aisle Dimension).
      2.   Parking lot aisles. Drive aisles within parking areas shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the following standards.
         a.   Aisle width. Parking area aisles shall comply with the minimum dimensional requirements in Table 3-4 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions) and Figure 3-10 (Parking Space and Aisle Dimension).
         b.   Visibility. Drive aisles shall be designed and located so that adequate visibility is ensured for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists when entering individual parking spaces, circulating within a parking facility, and entering or leaving a parking facility.
Angle of Parking
Minimum Dimensions
Parking Space Depth
Parking Space Width (1)
Aisle Width and Backup (one way) (2)(3)
Aisle Width and Backup (two way) (2)(3)
0 degrees
(parallel parking)
26 feet
8 feet, 6 inches
12 feet
18 feet
30 to 45 degrees
19 feet
8 feet, 6 inches
13 feet
20 feet
46 to 60 degrees
21 feet
8 feet, 6 inches
17 feet
21 feet
61 to 90 degrees
18 feet
8 feet, 6 inches
24 feet
24 feet
   (1)   Each parking space that is adjoined on either side of its longer dimension by a fence, wall, partition, column, post or similar obstruction, and the obstruction is located less than 14 feet from the access aisle, measured along the length of the stall, shall have its minimum width increased by at least 10 inches on the side of the obstruction.
   (2)   The Director may require greater aisle widths where slopes or other obstructions are encountered.
   (3)   For all parking spaces that back out onto an alley, the width of the alley shall be included in the minimum dimensions required for aisle width and backup.
Figure 3-10
Parking Space and Aisle Dimension
   D.   Curbing and Wheel Stops.  
      1.   Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide, with breaks to allow on-site drainage, shall be provided along the edges of parking spaces adjacent to fences, walls, other structures, property lines, pedestrian walkways and planted areas. Curbing shall be placed within the parking space a minimum of 2 feet from the front of the space.Curbs are not required where 2 parking spaces are contiguous at the width (“head to head”). Alternative barrier designs to protect planted areas may be approved by the Director. Director.
      2.   To increase the parking lot landscaped area, a maximum of 2 feet of the parking stall depth may be landscaped with low-growth, hearty materials in lieu of paving, allowing a 2-foot bumper overhang while maintaining the required parking dimensions. See Figure 3-5 (Bumper Overhand Area).
   E.   Slopes of Driveways, Ramps and Parking Areas. The slopes of driveways, ramps and parking areas shall comply with the following requirements.
      1.   Driveways and ramps. Driveways and ramps shall not exceed a maximum slope of 20%, measured along the driveway centerline. Where there is a change in the slope of the driveway, it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director that vehicles will be able to pass over the change in slope without interference with an average vehicle's undercarriage. The 20 feet of driveway or ramp closest to the exit shall not exceed a slope of 3% or as determined appropriate by the Director.
      2.   Parking areas. Parking areas shall have a maximum grade of 5%, measured in any direction.
   F.   Landscaping. Parking area landscaping shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 17.310 (Landscaping).
   G.   Lighting. Parking areas within non-residential areas shall have lighting that provides adequate illumination for security and safety. Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the on-site structures, and shall not exceed a maximum height of 18 feet, or a lesser height determined by the Director, to mitigate any impacts to adjoining properties. All illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed downward, away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Lighting location shall take into account the location and expected mature characteristics of on-site landscape materials.
   H.   Directional Areas and Signs.
      1.   Parking spaces, aisles, approach lanes and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and lines to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vehicles.
      2.   The Director may require the installation of traffic signs, in addition to directional arrows, to ensure the safe and efficient ingress and egress and circulation of vehicles in a parking facility.
   I.   Striping and Identification. Parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with a double striped line on each side of the parking space. The double striped line shall consist of two 4-inch-wide lines spaced 6 inches apart and painted on the surface of the parking facility. Parking space width shall be measured from the centerline between the two 4-inch lines. Circulation aisles, approach lanes, and turning areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and lines to ensure safe traffic movement.
   J.   Surfacing. Parking spaces and maneuvering areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with a minimum thickness of 2 inches of asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surface, over a minimum thickness of 4 inches of a base material; or paved and permanently maintained with a minimum thickness of 4 inches of Portland cement or as deemed appropriate by the Director.
   Alternative surfaces for parking and loading areas may be approved by the Community Development Director and the Public Works Director; provided that the material used meets aesthetic standards as determined by the Director, improves drainage and permeability, and responds to any historic guidelines for the property and its setting.
   K.   Interior Parking Clearance. Covered parking areas shall be provided with a minimum of 7 feet of unobstructed clearance from finished floor surface to any ceiling, beam, entranceway, pipe, suspended sign or other obstruction, improvement, or device overhead, except as approved by the Director for storage cabinets or other suspended or cantilevered obstructions. Where a covered parking area is intended for, or is accessible to, general public use, each entrance shall be clearly posted with a sign indicating the minimum interior clearance actually provided.
   L.   Subterranean Parking. Subterranean parking structures shall comply with all requirements of this Section, and the following additional requirements when located within a required setback.
      1.   Invisibility. No portion of a subterranean structure shall project or be visible above the finished grade of the setback in which it is located.
      2.   Accommodate landscaping. The subterranean structure shall be designed to accommodate landscaping or other setback area improvements as required by this Title.
      3.   Covered structure. When located within a required street-facing setback area, the subterranean structure shall be fully covered by landscaping.
   M.   Parking Structures. Parking structures providing parking for residential and non-residential uses shall comply with all requirements of this Section, and the following additional requirements.
      1.   Parking structures shall comply with the setback requirements and height limits of the applicable zoning district.
      2.   Parking structures visible from street frontages shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with adjacent buildings, and shall not adversely impact abutting pedestrian sidewalks.
      3.   Parking structure elevations should use color, massing, or architectural features to reduce the appearance of bulk.
      4.   Parking structure facades facing residential parcels shall:
         a.   Be enclosed to prevent light spill, noise, or pollutants from impacting dwellings; and
         b.   Incorporate architectural design elements, including surface treatments, offset planes, structural articulation, and landscaping to provide visual interest and compatibility with adjacent dwellings.
   N.   Special Parking Requirements for Residential Uses.
      1.   Driveway length. Except as otherwise allowed by this Title, within residential zoning districts, access for every parking space shall be provided by a paved driveway not less than 20 feet in length, measured from the end of the parking space to the nearest public or private street right-of-way line from which access to parking is provided, except uncovered spaces which may be located in accordance with Figure 3-11.
      2.   Paving of street-facing setback. Within residential zoning districts, no more than 25% of any required setback facing a street shall be paved to provide access to on-site parking, unless paving of a larger area is required to comply with Subsection 17.320.035.C. (Parking Space and Lot Dimensions) above (e.g., to provide a standard 16-foot, double-wide driveway for a two-car garage within the 20-foot front setback area), to comply with Table 3-5 of Subsection 17.320.035.N.3 (Residential Covered Parking Requirements). In addition to any required driveway paving in single-family, two-family and three-family residential projects, additional paving may be allowed for a pedestrian pathway leading to the entrance of the development provided the pedestrian path is not more than 4 feet in width. If the pedestrian path is not connected to the driveway, it shall be separated from the driveway by a minimum width of 3 feet and landscaped. If the pedestrian pathway is connected to the driveway, the maximum length of the connection shall not exceed 4 feet. Vehicles shall not be parked between the street property line and the front or side of a residential unit except on a driveway leading to a garage or carport, or on a designated uncovered parking space.
      3.   Covered parking. All parking shall comply with the requirements of Table 3-5 Covered Parking Requirements.
Table 3-5
Residential Covered Parking Requirements
Zoning District (1)
Residential Unit(s)
1/2 Covered
Fully Covered
Zoning District (1)
Residential Unit(s)
1/2 Covered
Fully Covered
R1 Zone
Single family dwelling
R2, R3, RLD, RMD and RHD Zones
Single family dwelling (alone)
R2, R33, RLD, RMD and RHD Zones
Single family dwelling (plus one or more detached SFD, duplex or triplex)
R2, R3, RLD, RMD and RHD Zones
Duplex or triplex
RLD, RMD and RHD Zones
Multiple family (4 or more units)
CN, CG, CC, CD, and EWO Zones
Residential portion of a mixed use project
CN, CG, CC, CD, and EWO Zones
Live work unit
Guest parking
   (1)   In all residential zones and on properties developed with stand-alone residential uses, any uncovered parking located behind the front yard setback line shall be placed within 15 feet of a maximum of one interior side yard and/or shall be fully screened from view of the public right-of-way by the primary structure. Front yard-facing parking not located within 15 feet of an interior side yard property line shall be fully covered and enclosed. See Figure 3-11 (Allowable Residential Uncovered Parking Placement) below.
   O.   Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking. Each land use type shall be provided the number of parking spaces equipped with electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for installation of future EV charging stations and with full EV charging stations, as set forth in this § 17.320.035.O, except where a greater number of spaces are required through a conditional use permit or other permit approval. Property owners shall inform tenants of the availability of EV Ready and EV Capable spaces.
      1.   Definitions.
         a.   “EV Capable.” Installation of raceway, conduit, and panel capacity to accommodate the future installation of a dedicated branch circuit and 208/240 volt (Level 2) chargers/charging stations.
         b.   “EV Ready.” A complete circuit installation, including raceway, conduit, wiring, receptacle, circuit breakers, dedicated branch circuit, 208/240 volt 40 amp panel capacity, and any other necessary components to support the future installation of a Level 2 charger/charging station.
         c.   “Full EV Charger/Charging Station.” All necessary components required for EV Ready, in addition to an already installed charger/charging station (208/240 volt, Level 2).
      2.   Multiple Family Residential Uses.
         a.   Quantity of EV Capable. Twenty percent of the of parking spaces provided.
         b.   Quantity of EV Ready. Ten percent of the of parking spaces provided.
         c.   Quantity of Full EV Charger/Charging Station. Ten percent of the parking spaces provided.
         d.   Full EV Chargers/Charging Stations shall be in addition to the EV Ready infrastructure. Where the number of parking spaces provided is less than the cumulative minimum number of required EV spaces, the EV Ready requirement shall be applied first; additional spaces shall not be required in order to comply with the cumulative EV space requirements. Requirements for Full EV Chargers/Charging Stations shall not apply to parking spaces that are located within individual privately accessible garages that correspond to a specific dwelling unit.
      3.   Non-residential Uses.
         a.   Quantity of EV Capable. Twenty percent of the of parking spaces provided; a minimum of two spaces.
         b.   Quantity of EV Ready. Ten percent of the of parking spaces provided; a minimum of two spaces.
         c.   Quantity of Full EV Charger/Charging Station. Ten percent of the of parking spaces provided; a minimum of one space.
         d.   Full EV Chargers/Charging Stations shall be in addition to the EV Ready infrastructure. Where the number of spaces provided is less than the cumulative minimum number of required EV spaces, the Full EV Chargers/Charging Stations requirement shall be applied first; additional spaces shall not be required in order to comply with the cumulative EV space requirements.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2014-002, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2019-009 § 2; Ord. No. 2020-013 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2021-012 § 3 (part); Ord. No. 2022-008; Ord. No. 2023-002, Exhibit A (part); Ord. No. 2024-001, Exhibit A (part))