A.   Purpose. The Commercial Zero Setback Overlay (-CZ) is intended to preserve and reinforce a traditional city streetscape, and create a more pedestrian-oriented environment.
   B.   Eligible Sites. The Commercial Zero Setback Overlay (-CZ) overlay shall include the commercially zoned, commercially-developed Planned District (PD) Zone, properties, and commercial land use areas, as designated in the City's General Plan Land Use Element Map, with a property boundary adjacent to any portion of the following streets:
      1.   Washington Boulevard, except any portion included within the boundaries of the East Washington Overlay (-EW) or Commercial Downtown (CD) Zone.
      2.   Culver Boulevard, except that portion included in the Commercial Downtown (CD) Zone.
      3.   Sepulveda Boulevard.
      4.   Overland Avenue.
      5.   Jefferson Boulevard.
      6.   Slauson Avenue, between Jefferson Boulevard and Hannum Avenue.
      7.   Hoke Avenue.
      8.   Willat Avenue.
      9.   West side of Robertson Boulevard.
   C.   Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of this Article applicable to the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and new land uses within the Commercial Zero Setback Overlay (-CZ).
   D.   Development and Land Use Standards. The development and land use standards of this Article applicable to the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and new land uses within the Commercial Zero Setback Overlay (-CZ), except as otherwise provided in Subsection 17.260.020.E. (Minimum Setback Requirements for Specific Areas) below.
   E.   Minimum Setback Requirements for Specific Areas. The first story of proposed buildings or additions to existing buildings that exceed 750 square feet or 10% of the original building shall have a zero setback from the street-facing property line of any street listed in Subsection 17.260.020.B. (Eligible Sites) above.
      1.   The Director may approve setback modifications on a case-by-case basis: in order to accommodate urban amenities, including plazas, hardscape or landscape, public art, fountains, benches, outdoor dining, or other pedestrian amenities; or in instances when such requirements are impractical or infeasible under unique circumstances.
      2.   Stories above the first may have a zero setback from that street-facing property line, subject to approval of the Director; provided, appropriate design elements are incorporated into the elevations, which are consistent with and complementary to the first story elements, and which serve to provide a total design that relates to the street and the pedestrian experience. Stories above the first that are not approved by the Director for a zero setback shall be subject to a recessed setback requirement, as determined appropriate by the Director, but in no case less than 5 feet.
      3.   The Director may require a zero setback for all portions of a building edge along any portion of a street that intersects with any segment of a street listed in Subsection 17.260.020.B. (Eligible Sites) above, in order to provide continuity of design, if such design is necessary to further the pedestrian-oriented objectives of the Commercial Zero Setback Overlay (-CZ).
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part))