A.   General Requirements. Subdivisions, new land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures in the R1, R2 and R3 zones shall conform to the requirements in Table 2-3 (Residential Districts Development Standards - R1, R2 ,R3). Subdivisions, new land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures in the RLD, RMD and RHD zones shall conform to the requirements in Table 2-4 (Residential District Development Standards - RLD, RMD, RHD). In addition, the applicable development standards in Article 3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards) apply to all residential zoning districts.
Table 2-3
Residential Districts Development Standards (R1, R2, R3)
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Table 2-3
Residential Districts Development Standards (R1, R2, R3)
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum lot area (1)
5,000 square feet or the average area of residential lots within a 500-foot radius of proposed subdivision, whichever is greater.
   Lot width (2)
50 feet
   Lot depth
100 feet
Maximum number of dwelling units allowed per parcel (3)
1 unit
2 units
3 units
Dwelling size
Maximum and minimum allowed floor area.
Maximum and minimum allowed floor area, not including any garage or other non- habitable space.
   Maximum floor area (6)(7)
.60 Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
1,500 square feet plus 40% of net lot area for parcels less than 8,000 square feet;
60% of net lot area for parcels 8,000 square feet or more.
   Minimum area
1,000 square feet on the ground floor.
1,000 square feet for a single-family unit;
750 square feet/unit in a duplex.
1,000 square feet for a single-family unit;
750 square feet for a duplex or triplex.
Setbacks (4)
Minimum setbacks required. See § 17.300.020 
(Setback Regulations and Exceptions).
20 feet - single story structures - two story structures; plus minimum 5 feet stepback for second floor
25 feet - two story structures without minimum 5 feet second floor stepback
15 feet
10 feet or one half the building height, whichever is greater.
   Interior sides (each)
5 feet
4 feet
5 feet
   Street side (corner)
5 feet single story structures

5 feet - two story structures; plus minimum 5 feet stepback for second floor

10 feet - two story structures without minimum 5 feet second floor stepback
15 feet
10 feet
   Minimum distance between structures
5 feet between accessory residential structures and accessory dwelling units; 5 feet between primary dwelling units and accessory residential structures and accessory dwelling units;
8 feet between detached dwelling units.
Open space
Minimum area of a site to remain uncovered by structures, in compliance with § 17.400.100 (Residential Uses - Accessory Residential Structures).
None required other than setbacks.
None required.
Height limit (4)(5)(8)
Flat roofs - 2 stories and 26 feet
Sloped roof - 2 stories and 30 feet
2 stories and 30 feet
Roof decks
Rooftop decks shall be set back 5 feet from the building edge along a side yard
Permitted, subject to other provisions in this Title
As required by Chapter 17.310 (Landscaping).
Subject to Chapter 17.320 (Off-Street Parking and Loading).
As required by Chapter 17.330 (Signs).
(1)   Minimum lot area for parcels proposed in new subdivisions and lot line adjustments. Condominium, townhome, or planned development projects may be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, with the minimum lot area determined through the subdivision review process, provided that the overall development site complies with the minimum lot size requirements of this Chapter.
(2)   Minimum required width measured at the street property line, except as otherwise provided by § 15.10.700. (Subdivision Design Standards) for curved lot frontages and flag lots.
(3)   For standards for Accessory Dwelling Unit, see § 17.400.095.
(4)   For standards for Accessory Residential Structures, see § 17.400.100.
(5)   For standards for Height Measurement and Height Limit Exceptions, see § 17.300.025.
(6)   Garages attached to the primary structure shall be included in the FAR. Detached garages shall not be included in the FAR.
(7)   The floor area of basements shall not be included in the FAR.
(8)   Sloped roofs equal to or greater than a 3:12 slope; flat roofs less than 3:12 slope.
Table 2-4
Residential District Development Standards (RLD, RMD, RHD)
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Table 2-4
Residential District Development Standards (RLD, RMD, RHD)
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum lot area (1)
5,000 square feet or the average area of residential lots within a 500-foot radius of proposed subdivision, whichever is greater.
   Lot width (2)
50 feet
   Lot depth
100 feet
Maximum density
1 unit/2,904 square feet of net lot area.
1 unit/1,500 square feet of net lot area, up to a maximum of 9 units. (3)
1 unit/1,500 square feet of net lot area.
Dwelling size
Maximum and minimum allowed floor area, not including any garage or other non-habitable space.
   Maximum area
No limitation.
   Minimum area
Studio Micro-Unit: 350 square feet; Studio Unit: 500 square feet; 1 Bedroom Unit: 700 square feet;
2 Bedroom Unit: 900 square feet; 3 Bedroom Unit: 1,100 square feet;
More than 3 bedrooms: 1,100 square feet plus 150 square feet for each bedroom over 3.
Setbacks (4)
Minimum setbacks required. See § 17.300.020 
(Setback Regulations and Exceptions).
10 feet or one half the building height, whichever is greater.
   Sides (each)
10 feet
5 feet
10 feet
15 feet
10 feet; 5 feet when adjacent to an alley.
15 feet
   Minimum distance between structures
5 feet between accessory residential structures, and accessory dwelling units; 5 feet between primary dwelling units and accessory residential structures and accessory dwelling units;
10 feet between detached dwelling units.
Open space (6)
Minimum area of a site to remain uncovered by structures, in compliance with § 17.400.105 (Multiple-Family Residential Structures).
   Private (6)
100 square feet/unit
   Common (6)
None required.
30% of net lot area.
Height limit (5)
2 stories and 30 feet
3 stories and 40 feet
As required by Chapter 17.310 (Landscaping).
Subject to Chapter 17.320 (Off-street Parking and Loading).
As required by Chapter 17.330 (Signs).
(1)   Minimum lot area for parcels proposed in new subdivisions and lot line adjustments. Condominium, townhome, or planned development projects may be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, with the minimum lot area determined through the subdivision review process, provided that the overall development site complies with the minimum lot size requirements of this Chapter.
(2)   Minimum required width measured at the street property line, except as otherwise provided by § 15.10.700. (Subdivision Design Standards) for curved lot frontages and flag lots.
(3)   The maximum density of 9 units per development parcel shall not apply to RMD-zoned properties on Grand View Boulevard, between Washington Place and Herbert Street.
(4)   For standards for Accessory Residential Structures, see § 17.400.100.
(5)   For standards for Height Measurement and Height Limit Exceptions, see § 17.300.025.
(6)   Studio micro-units are not required to provide private open space. However, a minimum of 100 square feet of common open space per unit shall be required, of which 100% may be located on the rooftop.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2016-001 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2020-003 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2020-013 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2021-012 § 3 (part); Ord. No. 2022-008; Ord. No. 2024-001, Exhibit A (part))