A.   The Planning Commission or City Council shall approve an application for an AUDP where the information submitted by the applicant substantiates the following findings:
      1.   That the proposed use meets the zoning requirements set forth in § 11.13.015.
      2.   That the proposed use complies with the objective site development standards for height, bulk, open space, landscaping, signs and off-street parking of this Chapter and the underlying zone in which the property is located; and
      3.   That neither the applicant, if an individual, or shareholders, partners, officers, directors, or parties possessing a major financial interest, if a corporation or partnership, has been found guilty or pleaded nolo contendere within the past four years of a misdemeanor or a felony classified by the state as a sex or sex-related offense.
   B.   Any conditions imposed upon the permit shall be in keeping with the objective site development standards for height, bulk, open space, landscaping, signs and off-street parking of this Chapter and the underlying zone in which the property is located.
('65 Code, § 23-24.9) (Ord. No. 98-006, § 20 (part))