A.   Subject to the limitations of this Chapter, adult uses may only be located within the following zoning districts, as established by the Zoning Code, as set forth in Title 17 of this Code:
      1.   C-3 (Commercial);
      2.   C-3E (Extended Commercial);
      3.   C-3LR (Lowrise Commercial);
      4.   C-3MR (Midrise Commercial);
      5.   M-1 (Light Manufacturing);
      6.   M-1A (Modified Light Manufacturing); or
      7.   M-2 (General Manufacturing and Industrial).
   B.   In those zoning districts where the adult uses regulated by this Chapter would otherwise be permitted uses, it shall be unlawful to establish any such adult use if the location is:
      1 .   Within six hundred (600) feet of any residential zone. The distance between the adult use or proposed adult use and a residential zone shall be measured between the nearest exterior wall of the facility or tenant space housing the adult use or the proposed adult use, and the nearest property line included within the residential zone, along a straight line extended between the two (2) points.
      2.   Within six hundred (600) feet of any day care facility, park, public school or private school, or religious institution. The distance between the adult use or proposed adult use and a park or school shall be measured from the nearest exterior wall of the facility or tenant space housing the adult use or the proposed adult use to the property line of the school or park site, measured along a straight line extended between the two (2) points.
      3.   Within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other adult use regulated under this Chapter. Distances between uses shall be measured between the nearest exterior wall of the facility or tenant space housing such use or proposed use along the shortest route intended and available for public traverse between the uses.
      4.   For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
         (a)    DAY CARE FACILITY. A facility that meets the definition of “Day Care Facility” as set forth in the Zoning Code, as set forth in Title 17 of this Code.
         (b)    PARK. A facility that meets the definition of “Park,” as set forth in § 9.10.005.
         (c)    PUBLIC SCHOOL or PRIVATE SCHOOL. An institution of learning for minors, whether public or private, which offers instruction in those courses of study required by the California Education Code or which is maintained pursuant to standards set by the State Board of Education and has an approved use permit, if required, under the applicable jurisdiction. This definition includes a nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, a special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Education.
         (d)    RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION. A facility used primarily for religious assembly or worship and related religious activities.
         (e)    RESIDENTIAL ZONE. Any property within the City which carries a zoning designation of Single Family Dwelling Zone (R-1 and R-1a Zone); One Family Dwelling/Zero Lot Line Zone (R-1z Zone); Two Family Dwelling Zone (R-2 Zone); Low Density Multiple Family Dwelling Zones (R-3 and R-3a Zone); Medium Density Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone (R-4 Zone) and property within the Planned Development Zone (PD) that has been formally restricted by action of the City Council to residential use. However, this does not include commercial or industrial zones where a residence is permitted pursuant to a conditional use permit or other special permit or zones in which a residential use may exist as a non-conforming use.
('65 Code, § 23-24.3) (Ord. No. 98-006, § 20 (part))