The certification by the Clerk of the sufficiency of a referendary petition within thirty (30) days after the passage of the ordinance to which such petition refers shall automatically suspend the operation of the ordinance adopted by the electorate through initiatory proceedings may not be amended or repealed by the Council for a period of two (2) years after the date of the election at which it was adopted. Should two (2) or more ordinances, adopted at the same election, have conflicting provisions, the one receiving the highest vote shall prevail as to those provisions.
Except as otherwise provided in this charter, all ordinances when enacted shall be published forthwith by the Clerk in the manner provided by this charter for publication of notices, and the Clerk shall enter his/her certificate as to the manner and date of publication under each ordinance in the ordinance book; provided that, if the Council shall direct the Clerk to make a digest of any ordinance or amendment more than one thousand (1,000) words in length; and when the Council shall approve such digest and shall order its publication, such publication shall be deemed to be sufficient publication of such ordinance or amendment under this section. The Council may adopt any detailed technical regulations (e.g., building code, electric wiring code, etc.) as a city ordinance by reference to any recognized standard code, official or unofficial, or if such a code be written in detail for the City and adopted as an ordinance, the publication of not less than one hundred (100) copies in booklet form, available for public distribution at cost, shall be sufficient publication of such ordinance, and any amendment to or revision of such adopted code or detailed technical ordinance may be published in same manner.
If the Council shall, by resolution, order a general revision and compilation of all city ordinances, the printing and binding of not less than one hundred (100) copies in booklet form available for public distribution at cost shall be sufficient publication of such revised and compiled ordinances. Such compilation shall contain an ordinance indicating, by number and title, the ordinances of the City which are repealed and shall also contain an ordinance establishing such revised and compiled ordinances, together with any amendments thereto, and additions thereto, as the ordinances of the City and designating when such ordinances shall become effective. Such revised ordinances need not be recorded in "The Ordinance Book".