No officer elected or appointed for the City shall be interested directly or indirectly as principal, surety or otherwise in the fulfillment of any contract, job, work, claim or service in which the City is a party, or in the sale of property to the City. No elective or appointive officer shall take any official action on any contract or other matter in which he/she has any financial interest other than the common public interest.
This shall not be construed as prohibiting the purchasing department or other officer of the City from purchasing of, or contracting with an established business concern in which a Councilperson may be interested, provided that such business was established and the Councilperson's connection therewith was well known to the public at the time of his/her election, and provided further that such purchasing and contracting shall be done under competitive conditions.
Violation of this section shall be deemed to be misconduct in office and punishable as such, and the officer so offending shall forfeit his/her office.
Unless the Council shall by four-fifths (4/5) vote of the members elect thereof, other than the member involved, which vote shall be recorded as part of the official proceedings, determine that the best interests of the City shall be served, the following relatives of any elective or appointive officer are disqualified from holding any appointive office or City employment during the term for which said officer was elected or appointed: spouse, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, or the spouse of any of them. All relationships shall include those arising from adoption. This section shall in no way disqualify such relatives or their spouses who are bona fide appointive officers or employees of the City at the time of the election or appointment of said official.
Employees of the City, other than those officers provided by this charter, and other than department heads, shall be employed and removed by department heads with the approval of the City Administrator, subject to personnel policies, rules and labor contracts.
The Council shall have the power to make available to the administrative officers and employees of the City and its departments and boards any recognized standard plan of group life, hospital, health, or accident insurance, either independently of, or as a supplement to, any retirement plan provided for the employees and officers.
The respective salaries and compensation of officers fixed by this charter, or by ordinance or resolution of the Council, shall be in full for all official services as such officers for the City or public, and shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions and other compensation receivable by such officers for their services in performance of the duties of their offices; which fees, commissions and compensation shall belong to the City, and be collected and accounted for by such officers, and be paid to the city treasury, and a statement thereof filed with the City Clerk as often as once in each week.
A City Personnel Policy for personnel management shall be created. Such system shall provide at least the following:
(a) For the professional and impartial approach to municipal personnel problems based solely on the fitness, training, and experience of the individual with no discrimination on account of political or religious opinion;
(b) The appointment of a committee by the City Council to administer the personnel policy with the City Administrator acting as Chairperson with the title of Personnel Director;
(c) That the system include all officers and employees of the City except officials holding elective offices, the City Administrator, City Attorney, technical consultants employed under contract, and members of boards and commissions;
(d) That all newly appointed employees shall serve for a probationary period of not less than six (6) months or as prescribed by the union contract, during which period they may be dismissed without cause and without recourse to any appeal to the Personnel Policy Committee;
(e) For the formulation by the Personnel Policy Committee of rules and regulations covering the selection, promotion, and discharge of municipal employees. Where competitive tests are used and eligible lists created, appointments shall be made from the three (3) candidates standing highest on such list. No person covered by the system shall be demoted or discharged except for cause or without the opportunity for a hearing before the Personnel Policy Committee, but nothing shall prevent the discharge of any person when the position he/she holds has been abolished or consolidated with another position or when a reduction of personnel is necessary;
(f) For the preparation, installation and maintenance of a classification plan based on the duties, authority and responsibilities of position;
(g) For the preparation and recommendation of a systematic salary plan for the positions covered by the system;
(h) For the restriction of political activity in the City of Croswell municipal politics of persons covered by the system;
(i) Provide a means whereby the City may enter into contractual arrangements or securing technical services or persons and corporations qualified in personnel work to assist the Personnel Policy Committee in carrying out its work;
(Amendment Approved at election of August 4, 1992)