   All dogs kept and maintained within the city limits shall be registered with the Grant County Animal Control and shall be duly licensed as provided by law.
(Ord. 2-74, passed 11-4-74)
   All unlicensed dogs running loose upon the streets, public ways, public alleys and private property of persons not their owners, which have not been licensed as required by law, shall be taken into custody by the Grant County Animal Control or any peace officer and confined in the Grant County Animal Control pound. If not claimed by the owner within seven (7) days, the dog shall be disposed of by Grant County Animal Control as he may see fit. Animal Control shall be entitled to a fee for services in releasing any non-licensed dog taken into custody.
(Ord. 2-74, passed 11-4-74)
   No dog, licensed or unlicensed shall be permitted to run loose upon the streets, public ways, public alleys, and private properties of persons other than their owners in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance or as to constitute a hazard to the health, welfare and well-being of the persons in the community and any dog so constituting a nuisance, shall be taken into custody by the Grant County Animal Control or any peace officer, and confined in the Grant County Animal Control pound. If not claimed by the owner within seven (7) days the dog shall be disposed of by the Grant County Animal Control as he may see fit. The Animal Control shall be entitled to a fee for services in releasing any dog so constituting a nuisance or a hazard to the health of the community, to its owner and only then upon the agreement of the owner that the dog shall not be further permitted to run at large.
(Ord. 2-74, passed 11-4-74)
Cross reference:
   Nuisances, see Ch. 50
   Any dog which barks or howls for a period in excess of fifteen (15) minutes is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and the dog may be impounded as provided in § 51.102 and the owner of the dog shall be subject to the fines provided in § 51.999.
(Ord. 2-74, passed 11-4-74)
Cross reference:
   Nuisances, see Ch. 50
   Penalty for violation, see § 51.999
Division 2. Dangerous or Vicious Dogs
   For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or clearly requires a different meaning.
   "CONTROL." The dog is within sight and hearing, and will respond instantly to call or order; or the dog is in a conveyance for travel, such as an automobile or train, or is confined to a travel crate or carrying case.
   "DOG." Any member of the canine species, male or female, of any age.
   "KEEP." Possession, controlling, exercising, or allowing to run at large.
   "OWNER." Any person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog or other animal. "OWNER" and "PERSON" shall include corporations, businesses, and/or organizations, as well as individuals. The knowledge and acts of agents or other persons employed by corporations, businesses and/or organizations in regard to animals transported, owned, or employed by or in the custody of such corporations, businesses, and/or organizations.
   "UNCONFINED." Not securely confined indoors or confined in a securely enclosed and located pen or a dog run area upon the premises of the person described above. The pen or dog run area must also have either side six (6) feet high or a secure top.
   (A)   Any dog with a propensity, tendency, or disposition to attack, to cause injury, or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings or other domestic animals; or
   (B)   Any dog which attacks a human being or other domestic animal without provocation.
(Ord. 122-1997, passed 1-6-98)