(A) Inspections Of Pools/Spas With Over Twenty Four Inches Performed At Least Once Every Five Years: Inspections of existing swimming pools (above ground or in-ground) or spas that contain more than twenty four inches (24") (2') of water are required in the Village of Creve Coeur to make sure that all safety requirements, cover and fencing requirements (as found at subsection 10-4-6(F) of this Code), electrical and plumbing requirements and Building Code requirements are met.
1. Cost of inspection is twenty dollars ($20.00).
2. Village will notify property owner via first class mail of an annual inspection date at least two (2) weeks prior to the inspection.
3. For a pool/spa to meet inspection requirements it must:
(a) Contain water suitable for swimming/bathing that is not stagnant.
(b) Contain proper fencing or enclosures and required at subsection 10-4-6(F) of this Code.
(c) All electrical work must meet Code requirements.
(d) The pool/spa must hold water and not leak as to create a run off hazard.
4. Property owners who do not allow or avoid inspection are assumed to have failed and will be cited pursuant to subsection (A)5 of this section.
5. Swimming pools or spas that do not pass inspection are determined to be a nuisance per se, and will be cited as such as detailed in section 7-3-1 et seq., of this Code.
(B) Pool/Spa Building Permits Required Prior To Construction Of Pools/Spas With Over Thirty Six Inches (3 Feet) Of Water: A building permit is required prior to the construction of a swimming pool (above ground or in ground) or spa that contains water over thirty six inches (36") (3') deep.
1. An application for a permit shall be filed with the building inspector which shall contain:
(a) The contractor's name, address, and phone number and license number if a contractor is being used.
(b) One set of drawing showing the construction details of the swimming pool/spa that details:
(1) Filter and heating equipment.
(2) Diving boards and slides.
(3) Any other applicable equipment.
(4) Electric plan.
(5) Location, height and type of fence or enclosure to be used to comply with the fencing requirements of subsection 10-4-6(F) of this Code.
(c) One up to date copy of the plat of survey showing everything currently on the property and the location of the swimming pool/spa drawn to scale and indicate the location of:
(1) The pool or spa.
(2) Path of electric service to the house.
(3) No pool or spa shall be placed closer than five feet (5') from the lot line or be located in an easement.
2. The building inspector will review and approve or deny the permit within ten (10) working days and will call you when the permit is ready to be picked up.
(C) Permit Fees:
1. Twenty dollars ($20.00) paid when the permit is picked up.
2. Twenty dollars ($20.00) to be paid prior to re-inspection if any portion of the pool/spa fails the first inspection.
3. Cost of the permit is double ($40.00) in the event that construction started before a permit was obtained.
(D) Permit Duration: A building permit to build a pool/spa is good for sixty (60) days. (Ord. 836A, 7-26-2017)