§ 101.08 STEERING.
   In order to effectuate the policies set forth in this chapter as far as legislatively possible, it is hereby declared to be a discriminatory act, an unfair housing practice and unlawful for any lending institution or other person to, for profit, use any word, phrase or action in connection with the sale or rental of a dwelling which influences or is intended to influence the choice of a prospective purchaser or renter solely or in part because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, parental status, sexual orientation, source of income, military discharge status, gender identity, retaliation or housing status or by aiding/abetting or willful interference thereof; or for profit, otherwise induce or attempt to induce, or deter or attempt to deter, the inspection, purchase or rental of any dwelling by representations regarding the presence in, proximity to, or entry or prospective entry into, the block, neighborhood or area of a person or persons of a particular race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, parental status, sexual orientation, source of income, military discharge status, gender identity, retaliation or housing status or by aiding/abetting or willful interference thereof.
(Ord. 2564, passed 7-16-2020)