§ 159.128 SIGNS.
   (A)   General requirements.
      (1)   Compliance with provisions. No sign, billboard, advertising display or structure, poster or device shall be erected, displayed or used except as expressly permitted in this chapter, and except the state, county and village signs and traffic signs as are installed for public purposes.
      (2)   Location; projecting signs. In no case shall any sign protrude or extend beyond the property lines of the lot on which it is erected and, in no case, shall any sign be closer than 30 feet to any residential district.
      (3)   Audible signs prohibited. In no case shall any sign be audible.
   (B)   Signs permitted.
      (1)   Commercial districts. In a Commercial Zoning District, the following signs shall be permitted:
         (a)   A sign pertaining to the commercial use conducted within the main commercial building on the subject commercial premises, provided and conditioned as follows:
            1.   The display area of the sign shall not exceed 60 square feet; however, if a business establishment occupies more than 50 feet of frontage on the adjoining public roadway or street, the total aggregate display area of all signs on the subject commercial premises may be increased, in display area, at the rate of one additional square foot of display area for each foot of frontage exceeding 50 feet on the adjoining public roadway or street but, in no case, shall the aggregate display area of the sign exceed 200 square feet.
            2.   If supported by posts, poles or other appurtenances, no sign shall be displayed within ten feet of the ground and no sign shall exceed 24 feet in altitude or height above ground.
            3.   If placed directly upon the ground, no sign shall exceed six feet in height.
            4.   All signs shall be set back not less than ten feet from the front lot line.
         (b)   Subject to the display area, height, altitude and location restrictions applicable to signs pertaining to commercial use, as stated in the provisions of division (B)(1) above, signs relating to the sale or lease of commercial land or commercial buildings; and
         (c)   Village of Crestwood, State of Illinois, County of Cook and Township signs, including those installed and maintained for traffic or other public purposes.
      (2)   Industrial districts. In Industrial Districts, business signs and advertising devices are permitted, subject to the following conditions.
         (a)   General application.
            1.   Area. The gross area in square feet of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed ten times the lineal feet of frontage of the zoning lot. However, the gross area of all flashing signs shall not exceed five times the lineal feet of frontage of the zoning lot.
            2.   Projection. No sign shall project more than 18 inches from the face of the wall of any building or structure.
            3.   Height. No sign shall project higher than 30 feet above curb level. No self-supporting sign shall have less than ten feet ground clearance.
         (b)   Integrated centers. For integrated centers in single ownership or under unified control or individual uses with a minimum frontage of 150 feet, one additional sign other than those regulated in division (B)(2)(a) above shall be permitted, subject to the following.
            1.   Content. The sign shall advertise only the name and location of the center or individual use and the name and type of business of each occupant of the center.
            2.   Area. The gross area in square feet of the additional sign on a zoning lot shall not exceed five times the lineal feet of frontage of the zoning lot.
            3.   Setback. The sign shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the front lot line of the center or individual use.
            4.   Height. No sign shall project higher than 32 feet above the curb level. No self-supporting sign shall have less than ten feet ground clearance.
(Prior Code, § 9B-6-3) (Ord. 923, passed 11-17-1983) Penalty, see § 159.999