§ 155.17 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   Requirements. The final plat to be submitted to the Plan Commission shall be substantially in accordance with the approved tentative plan and shall be drawn by a registered state land surveyor on tracing cloth to a scale no smaller than 100 feet to one inch. Three blueprints (one copy for Plan Commission public record and one copy, each, for the Chairperson and Secretary) of the final plat shall accompany the same. The final plat shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Name of subdivision. The name of proposed subdivision shall be shown;
      (2)   Identification and description.
         (a)   A legal description of the property shall be given which includes reference to the sections, township and range, government section lines and corners, half-section lines, the location and dimensions of all streets (with their names), alleys and easements shall be shown;
         (b)   The names of the owner, the developer, and the designer who made the plat, and the title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded. This plat shall be certified by a registered land surveyor of the state;
         (c)   Scale of plat, not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet;
         (d)   Date of preparation; and
         (e)   Northpoint.
      (3)   Delineation.
         (a)   Boundary of the plat based on an accurate traverse, with angular and lineal dimensions. Error of closure of the boundary line survey shall not exceed standards established by the Village Engineer;
         (b)   Exact locations, widths and names of all streets within and adjoining plat and exact location and widths of all alleys and crosswalks. Proposed street names shall be in conformity with the Street Naming Plan of the village;
         (c)   True angles and distances to the nearest established street lines or official monuments (not less than two of which shall be accurately described on the plat);
         (d)   Show accurately, the locations of all permanent lot markers as actually installed in accordance with village standards;
         (e)   Municipal, township or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and angles;
         (f)   Radii, internal angles, points or curvature, tangents, bearings and lengths of all curves;
         (g)   All easements of rights-of-way for public service utilities or other purposes. All easements shall also be drainage easements;
         (h)   All lot and block numbers with their lines accurately dimensioned in feet and one-hundredths, and where an angle occurs in any lot line between lot corners, the measurement of the angle shall be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds;
         (i)   Building setback lines accurately shown and dimensioned;
         (j)   Accurate outlines and legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of all property owners. When the tract or tracts dedicated or reserved for public use are not within the corporate limits of the village, the certificate of dedication shall provide that the future official act of annexation of the tract or tracts to the village shall constitute a transfer of title to the village for the public use; and
         (k)   The description and location of all survey monuments erected in the subdivision shall be shown; the monuments shall be either iron pipe not less than one inch in diameter and 30 inches long or stone or concrete not less than four inches in diameter and 24 inches long. Permanent monuments shall be erected at all points where street lines interest the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and at angle points of curve in each street.
      (4)   Certificates. Appropriate certificates, as follows: (The final two certificates shall be certified last and in the order listed.)
         (a)   Owner’s certificate;
         (b)   Notary certificate;
         (c)   County Clerk certificate;
         (d)   Certificate as to special assessments;
         (e)   Surveyor’s certificate;
         (f)   State Division of Waterways, if plan drawn is located within 500 feet of a stream draining 640 acres or more of land;
         (g)   Plan Commission certificate; and
         (h)   Village Board certificate.
         *NOTE: Certification on final plats of subdivision located in the unincorporated areas within one and one-half miles beyond the village limits shall be those required by the County Subdivision Regulations, except when the village regulations are more restrictive, the applicable village division certifications shall also be required.
      (5)   Notice of approval. The following “notice of approval” shall be indicated on the plan as follows:
      Approved by the Plan Commission of the Village of Crestwood, Cook County, Illinois, this          day of                                 ,                 A.D.
      (6)   Flood plain restrictions. Refer to Chapter 151 of this code of ordinances.
      (7)   Revisions.
         (a)   Revisions made to this plan shall be indicated by alphabetical letters and show the date of the revision. NOTE: The final plat must show items that run with the land and contain the following information to be recorded with County Recorder’s office:
            1.   Name of subdivision;
            2.   Date of preparation;
            3.   Correct survey;
            4.   Legal description;
            5.   Street;
            6.   Street names;
            7.   Lot lines;
            8.   Easements;
            9.   Setback lines;
            10.   Covenants and agreements;
            11.   Dimensions;
            12.   Monuments; and
            13.   Certificates, seals and signatures.
         (b)   The final plat need not show items that do not run with the land such as street signs, buildings, sidewalks, water lines, sewer lines and the like. However, they must be backed by the plans or plots or affidavits. The Plan Commission must be satisfied that all the requirements of this chapter are provided for either by plans, plots or affidavits. (Plans and plots consist of land surveys, site improvement plans, grading plans, water and sewer plans.)
   (B)   Variations. Variations of the Official Plan may be made under the provisions outlined in § 156.17.
   (C)   Approval of final plat.
      (1)   Approval by Plan Commission. When the Plan Commission has approved the final plat, it shall be signed by the Chairperson and attested by the Secretary of the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall then transmit the approved final plat to the Village Board together with a letter of transmittal calling the Board’s attention to all variations (if any) recommended by the Plan Commission and setting forth its reasons for recommending the same and conveying to the Board other information concerning the final plat as the Plan Commission may deem necessary. With approval of the final plat, the Plan Commission shall also transmit to the Board the subdivider’s agreement, with respect to improvements, the Village Engineer approval of improvements and all plans, specifications, estimates, completion bonds and all other documents, certificates and papers pertaining to the final plat and the subdivision platted thereon.
      (2)   Approval by Village Board. When the Village Board is satisfied with the final plat, together with all improvements, conditions and documents pertaining to the subdivision platted thereon, the Board shall, by motion, approve the plan and authorize and direct the Mayor to affix the Board’s stamp of approval and to sign the plan for and in the name of the village. The approval shall be attested by the Village Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal of the village.
(Prior Code, § 9C-3B-3)