(A)   Exits.
      (1)   A minimum of two exits shall be provided where a tent is used as a place of assembly with a capacity of 100 or more persons, in any tent where ten or more persons sleep and in any tent involving conditions hazardous to life.
      (2)   When tents are used as places of assembly with a capacity in excess of 500 people, each exit shall be not less than nine feet wide, and the number of exits shall be based upon the ratio of one exit to each 500 persons or major fraction thereof which the tent is designed to seat or hold. The exits shall be placed not over 75 feet apart, and exitways serving the exits shall be not less than nine feet in clear width.
      (3)   In tents having a capacity of 1,000 or over, facilities must be provided for admitting patrons on opposite sides or ends convenient to their seating locations. The purpose of this requirement is to prevent congestion during the seating period and familiarize patrons with exits closest to their seats.
      (4)   Where two or more tents adjoin with an opening between, an exit to the outside shall be provided at the point of juncture.
      (5)   All required exits, other than those normally used for entrance, shall be plainly marked during hours of darkness, as to be readily distinguished. Required exitways shall also be kept adequately lighted at such times, including the immediate area outside the exits.
   (B)   Aisles. Aisles not less than 44 inches in width shall be provided so that there are not more than ten seats between any seat and an aisle. Where individual seats are not provided, a distance of 18 inches along any bench or platform shall constitute one seat in computing required aisles and exits. Every aisle shall lead directly to an exitway or to a cross aisle running parallel with the seat rows and leading to an exitway. The aisles shall not be less in width than the combined width of aisles that they connect.
   (C)   Use of aisles and exits. Aisles and exitways shall be used only for passage to and from seats and for vendors carrying their wares.
   (D)   Obstructing aisles and exits prohibited. No poles or ropes shall be permitted in aisles and exitways, and all exitways and exits shall be kept free and clear and be made readily passable.
(Prior Code, § 8-7-4) Penalty, see § 10.99