§ 112.22 EXCEPTIONS.
   The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to alcohol used in the manufacture of denatured alcohol, nor to any liquid or solid containing 0.5%, or less, of alcohol by volume, nor shall the provisions of this subchapter apply to flavoring extracts, concentrates, syrups or medicinal, mechanical, scientific, culinary or toilet preparations, or food products unfit for beverage purposes, but the provisions of this subchapter shall not be construed to exclude or not apply to alcoholic liquor used in the manufacture, preparation or compounding of the products. The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to wine intended for use or used by any church or religious organization for sacramental purposes, nor shall anything herein contained prevent any duly licensed, practicing physician or dentist from possessing or using any alcoholic liquor in the strict practice of his or her profession or any hospital or other institution caring for sick and diseased persons from possessing alcoholic liquor for the treatment of bona fide patients of the hospital or other institution or prevent any licensed pharmacist from possessing and using alcoholic liquors in the preparation of prescriptions prepared by duly licensed physicians.
(Ord. 1899, passed 10-19-2006)