(A)   Establishment. The Tree Commission shall be composed of not less than five, nor more than seven, Commissioners. Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board. These Commissioners shall serve without pay and shall reside within the village. The remaining Commissioners shall be ex officio and shall not vote. The ex-officio Commissioners shall be: the Public Works Supervisor and the Village Arborist. Subject to the exemption in division (B) below, each Commissioner of the Tree Commission shall serve for a term of one year.
   (B)   Appointment of members. Of the Commissioners initially appointed to the Tree Commission, the Chairperson and the Secretary shall serve for a term of one year. Commissioners initially appointed shall serve for a term of one to five years; then, all appointments will be for five years or the remainder of a previous Commissioner’s term. Term shall start on a common date. Determination of the length of terms of the Commissioners initially appointed shall be by lot. The Mayor shall designate the Chairperson and Secretary of the Tree Commission.
   (C)   Expiration or vacation of terms. Should any Commissioner resign or be removed from the Tree Commission, a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Village Board for the duration of the unexpired term of the Commissioner who resigns or is removed from his or her position.
   (D)   Duties. The Tree Commission shall perform the following duties in an advisory capacity to the Board.
      (1)   Within a reasonable time after the appointment of the Tree Commission, upon call of the Chairperson of the Tree Commission, the Tree Commission shall meet and adopt rules of procedure for regular and special meetings to fulfill the duties imposed upon it by this subchapter.
      (2)   The Tree Commission shall advise and consult with the Village Board on any matter pertaining hereto and its enforcement. The topics under which this advice and consultation may be given may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
         (a)   Amendments hereto or any other ordinance implemented by the Tree Commission, and alterations or revisions to the Arboricultural Specifications Manual and alterations or revisions of the Urban Forestry Plan;
         (b)   Policy concerning selection, planting, maintenance and removal of trees, shrubs and other plants within the village; and/or
         (c)   Establishment of a maintenance program for village-owned property, including parks.
      (3)   The Tree Commission shall recommend to the Village Board policies and procedures, ordinances and/or forms for landscapers, residents and the Public Works Department.
      (4)   The Tree Commission shall recommend to the Village Board a maintenance program for village-owned property, including parks.
      (5)   The Tree Commission shall recommend to the Village Board any landscaping or maintenance to be completed on village-owned property, including parks.
      (6)   The Tree Commission, by recommendation to the Village Board, shall review landscaping plans of businesses, whether it be a new business or renovation of any property, and make recommendations to the Village Board.
      (7)   The Tree Commission shall develop, and each subsequent year update the Urban Forestry Plan, subject to approval of the Village Board. The Plan shall outline urban forestry program activities for a minimum of the next five years. This plan shall describe the urban forestry activities to be undertaken by the village, the reasons for those activities, the possible funding source(s), the means of accomplishing the activities, and the projected date of completion. Activities may include, but are not limited to, street tree inventory, planting, maintenance and removal of trees, maintenance of parks and other village-owned property, beautification projects and educational projects.
      (8)   The Tree Commission shall develop and periodically review and recommend revisions to the Village Board as necessary of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual. This manual shall contain regulations and standards for the planting, maintenance and removal of trees, shrubs and other plants upon village-owned property.
      (9)   The Tree Commission shall cause the approved Urban Forestry Plan and the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, and all revisions and all amendments to it, to be published and promulgated, and shall cause three copies of the manual and all revisions and amendments to it to be available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk. Notice that the information is available for public inspection shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the county at least one week day for four consecutive weeks immediately following the initial availability of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual or revisions or amendments thereto. The Arboricultural Specifications Manual, and any revisions and additions thereto, shall become effective on the tenth day following the final publication in a newspaper of general circulation required hereunder.
      (10)   The Village Clerk and/or Tree Commission shall make available to any interested person copies hereof, information about the activities of the Tree Commission, copies of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual and copies of the Urban Forestry Plan.
      (11)   The Tree Commission shall recommend to the Village Board a program of public information and education that will encourage the planting, maintenance or removal of trees, shrubs and other plants on private property in furtherance of the goals of the Urban Forestry Plan.
(Ord. 1614, passed 5-6-1999)