(A)   The following trees are hereby approved for planting within the village and all landscape plans hereafter submitted may include the following trees and other varieties as may hereafter be review by the Village Arborist, who shall advise and consult with the Tree Commission.
   (B)   The Tree Commission shall review and make recommendations to the Village Board of any other varieties of approved trees to be included on the approved tree list of the village:
      (1)   Autumn Purple Ash;
      (2)   Legacy Sugar Maple;
      (3)   October Glory;
      (4)   Debra Maple;
      (5)   Little Leaf Linden;
      (6)   Patmore Ash;
      (7)   Green Mountain Sugar;
      (8)   Marshall Ash (seedless);
      (9)   Red Maple;
      (10)   Greenspice Linden;
      (11)   Northern Red Oak;
      (12)   Red Sunset;
      (13)   Hackberry;
      (14)   Norway Maple;
      (15)   Schwedler Maple;
      (16)   Shademaster Locust (seedless);
      (17)   Summit Ash;
      (18)   Sunburst Locust;
      (19)   Skyline Locust (seedless);
      (20)   Urbanite Ash; and
      (21)   Bradford Pear.
(Ord. 1613, passed 5-6-1999)