If a manifest error be discovered consisting of the misspelling of any word or words, the omission of any word or words necessary to express the intention of the provisions affected, the use of a word or words to which no meaning can be attached, or the use of a word or words when another word or words was clearly intended to express the intention, the spelling shall be corrected, and the word or words supplied, omitted, or substituted as will conform with the manifest intention, and the provision shall have the same effect as though the correct words were contained in the text as originally published. No alteration shall be made or permitted if any question exists regarding the nature or extent of such error.
(A) As histories for the code sections, the specific number and passage date of the original ordinance, and the most recent three amending ordinances, if any, are listed following the text of the code section. Example: ('84 Code, § 1.1) (Ord. 10, effective 5-13-60; Am. Ord. 15, effective 1-1-70; Am. Ord. 20, effective 1-1-80; Am. Ord. 25, effective l-1-85)
(B) If a KRS cite is included in the history, this indicates that the text of the section reads word- for-word the same as the statute. Example: (KRS 83A.090) ('84 Code, § 1.1) (Ord. 10, effective 1-17-80; Am. Ord. 20, effective 1-1-85). If a KRS cite is set forth as a “statutory reference” following the text of the section, this indicates that the reader should refer to that statute for further information. Example:
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of the City of Crestview Code shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than $50.00 no more than $250.00, or imprisonment for a term not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both at the discretion of the Court. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served, in accordance with the terms hereof shall be deemed a separate offense. This penalty provision only applies if there is not another penalty in the Code of Ordinances that specifically addresses the violation, which is the subject of the enforcement proceedings.
(Am. Ord. 1998-8, passed 6-2-98)