Personal information records comprising the Municipal personal information system shall be kept by the following departments for the following purposes:
(a) Fire Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to furnish the Municipality with proper fire protection and emergency services and for the proper functioning of such Department.
(b) Water Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to assure the users of the Crestline Water Distribution System with water, to allow determination of water usage, to allow for collection of rates charged for usage and such other information as necessary for the proper functioning of the Department.
(c) Street Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary for maintaining a good and adequate system of streets, alleys and other public thoroughfares and for the proper functioning of the Department.
(d) Sewer Department. To provide the Municipality with a good and adequate waste sewage disposal system, including information needed for determining an adequate rate system and collections procedure and all other information as is necessary for the proper functioning of the Department.
(e) Police Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary for the proper functioning of the Department in addition to the collection of information exempted by Ohio R.C. Chapter 1347 and Section 147.01
(f) The Department of Community Development. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to properly plan for and put into effect projects for Community Development, to obtain Federal or State grants or matching funds, to apply for Federal or State grants or matching funds, to fulfill the conditions of contracts with any agency or department of the United States of America or the State. Such Department may also obtain information necessary to comply with any law or administrative regulation or ruling of the United States of America or the State or any agency or department thereof. The Department may also obtain such information as is necessary for the proper functioning of the Department.
(g) The Building Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to enforce the various zoning, building, housing and other Codes of the Municipality and such other information as is necessary for the proper functioning of the Department. As far as is applicable, the Department shall be exempted as provided by Ohio R.C. Chapter 1347.
(h) Clerk of Council. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to perform the duties imposed on the office by law and all other information which is necessary for the proper functioning of the office.
(i) The Mayor, Safety-Service Director and Law Director. For the purpose of obtaining necessary information to properly perform their respective duties and when applicable certain information so obtained may be exempt as provided by Ohio R.C. Chapter 1347.
(j) Income Tax Department. For the purpose of obtaining information necessary to insure collection of the income tax due to the Municipality, including necessary information to determine if income tax is owed the Municipality.
(k) Other. In addition to all other information permitted to be collected by this chapter, the Municipality, through its proper officers, employees, agency or department may obtain such personal information as is necessary for the following reasons:
(1) To comply with the various laws of the United States of America and the State.
(2) To employ proper officers or employees for the various departments of the Municipality.
(3) To properly compensate officers and employees of the Municipality.
(4) To properly promote, demote, dismiss or discipline officers or employees.
(5) For the proper functioning of Municipal affairs.
(Ord. 1064. Passed 12-20-76.)