The provisions of Chapter 34 of the Ohio Building Code shall control the alteration, repair, addition, maintenance and change of occupancy of any existing structure.
The occupancy of any structure currently existing on the date of adoption of this Code shall be permitted to continue without change provided there are no orders of the Building Official pending, no evidence of fraud, or no serious safety or sanitation hazard. When requested, such approvals shall be in the form of a “Certificate of Occupancy for an Existing Building” in accordance with Section 111.2 of the Ohio Building Code.
Buildings constructed in accordance with plans which have been approved prior to the effective date of this Code are existing buildings.
(OBC 102.7)
(a) Adjudication Orders Required. When the Building Official denies any approval or takes action in response to findings of non-compliance with the rules of the Board, such action shall be initiated by issuing an adjudication order, prior to seeking any remedy, civil or criminal. Every adjudication order shall:
(1) Clearly identify the section of law or rules violated.
(2) Clearly identify, in a contrasting and obviously marked manner, all violations related to accessibility.
(3) Specifically indicate which detail, installation, site preparation, material, appliance, device, addition, alteration to structures, construction documents, assemblages or procedures are necessary to change to comply with the order.
(4) When issued to stop work, the order shall also clearly indicate the specific work that is required to cease, when the work must cease and the conditions under which the cited work will be permitted to resume. The order to stop work shall be given to the owner of the property involved, to the owner’s agent and the person doing the work.
(5) Include notice of the procedure for appeal and right to a hearing if requested within thirty days of the mailing of the order. The order shall also indicate that, at the hearing, the owner may be represented by counsel, present arguments or contentions orally or in writing, and present evidence and examine witnesses appearing for or against the owner.
(6) Any hearing(s) scheduled for accessibility issues shall cause the Building Official or the appeals board to notify a local advocate organization for people with disabilities of the scheduled hearing. When a local advocate organization is not available, a state organization representing people with disabilities, such as the “Governor’s Council on People with Disabilities” shall be notified.
(7) Specify a reasonable period of time in which to bring the item(s) on the order into compliance.
(8) Include the signature of the Building Official.
(9) The order shall be sent to the owner and the owner’s representatives.
(b) Response to Orders. The person receiving an order shall exercise their right to appeal within 30 days of the mailing of the order, comply with the order, or otherwise be released from the order by the Building Official.
(c) Prosecution and Penalties. When an owner fails to comply with subsection (b) hereof, the owner may be prosecuted and is subject to the penalty provided in Section 1301.99.
(d) Unlawful Continuance. Failure to cease work after receipt of an order to stop work is hereby declared a public nuisance. (OBC 109)
(a) Unsafe Buildings Defined. Structures or existing equipment that are unsafe or unsanitary due to inadequate means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, shall be deemed a serious hazard. Where a building is found to be a serious hazard, such hazard shall be eliminated or the building shall be vacated, and where such building, when vacated, remains a serious hazard, it shall be razed.
(b) Orders, Injunction Proceedings. Where the Building Official finds that a building is a serious hazard and the owner of such building fails, in the time specified in an order from the Building Official, to eliminate such hazard, or to vacate or raze the building, the building official shall proceed under Ohio R.C. 3781.15.
(c) Restoration. Where the structure or equipment is determined to be unsafe by the Building Official, it is permitted to be restored to a safe condition. To the extent that repairs, alterations or additions are intended to be made or a change of occupancy occurs during the restoration of the structure, such repairs, alterations, additions or change of occupancy shall comply with Chapters 1 and 34 of the Ohio Building Code and this chapter.
(OBC 109)
(a) General. Where, in any specific case, different sections of the Ohio Building Code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.
(b) Other Laws. The provisions of the Ohio Building Code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of state or federal law. The Municipality may make further and additional regulations, not in conflict with Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 or with the rules of the Board of Building Standards. However approval by the Board of Building Standards of any fixture, device, material, system, assembly or product of a manufacturing process, or method or manner of construction or installation shall constitute approval for their use anywhere in Ohio.
(c) Other Rules. As provided in division (B) of Ohio R.C. 3781.11, the rules of the Board of Building Standards shall supersede and govern any order, standard or rule of the Divisions of State Fire Marshal or Industrial Compliance in the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Health and of counties and townships, in all cases where such orders, standards or rules are in conflict with the rules of the Board of Building Standards, except that rules adopted and orders issued by the Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3743 prevail in the event of a conflict.
There may be other requirements owners may be required to meet as set forth by other licensing agencies such as the Ohio State Fire Marshal, Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, federal agencies, or other licensing authorities. Owners and designers should investigate these additional licensing agency requirements to ensure they are incorporated into the building design before submitting to the certified building department for plan approval.
The rules of the Board of Building Standards adopted pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3781.10 shall govern any rule or standard adopted by the Board pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4104.02 and 4105.011.
(OBC 102)
(a) Building Official. The Building Official is responsible for the enforcement of the rules of the Board and of Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 relating to the construction, arrangement, and the erection of buildings or parts thereof. All building officials shall conduct themselves in a professional, courteous, impartial, responsive, and cooperative manner. The Building Official shall render interpretations of this Code and to adopt policies and procedures in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies and procedures shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this Code. Building Officials shall be responsible to assure that a system is in place to track and audit all projects, to assure that all Building Department personnel perform their duties in accordance with this section, and for the overall administration of a Building Department as follows:
(b) Applications and Plan Approvals. The Building Official shall receive applications, require or cause the submitted construction documents to be examined, ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this Ohio Building Code, and shall issue plan approvals for the construction, erection, alteration, demolition and moving of buildings and structures. The Building Official shall require a master plans examiner or elective plans examiners to examine the construction documents to verify the construction indicated is in accordance with the requirements of this Code and shall assure coordination of plan review.
(c) Plan Examination by the Building Official. When the Building Department does not have in its full-time employ a certified master plans examiner, the certified Building Official shall examine construction documents to determine compliance with the rules of the Board if the registered design professional elects to submit construction documents that contain a written certification by the registered design professional indicating conformance with the requirements of the rules of the Board and Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791.
(d) Orders. The Building Official shall issue all orders in accordance with Section 1301.06 to ensure compliance with the Ohio Building Code.
(e) Inspections.
(1) If the plans for the erection, construction, repair, alteration, relocating, or equipment of a building are subject to inspection by the Building Official, under Section 108 of the Ohio Building Code, the Building Official shall cause to be made such inspections, investigations, and determinations as are necessary to determine whether or not the work which has been performed and the installations which have been made are in conformity with the approved construction documents. The Building Official shall identify any special conditions that would affect the timing of inspections and schedule inspections times mutually agreed upon by the Building Official and the owner.
(2) Special inspections are as required under Section 1704 of the Ohio Building Code.
(f) Department Records. The Building Official shall keep official records of applications received, certificate of plan approvals issued, notices and orders issued, certificates of occupancy, certificates of completion and other such records required by the rules of the Board of Building Standards. Such information shall be retained in the official permanent record for each project. One set of approved construction documents shall be retained by the Building Official for a period of not less than one hundred eighty days from date of completion of the permitted work, or as required by document retention regulations.
(g) Department Reports. The Building Official shall be responsible for the submission of reports and any requested special information to the Board of Building Standards as required in paragraph (F) of Rule 4101: 7-2-01 of the Administrative Code. Failure to submit these reports as required by rule or by special request or inquiry of the Board of Building Standards may be grounds for Board action as described in paragraph (F)(7) of Rule 4101:7-3-01 of the Administrative Code.
(h) Liability. Liability of certified Building Department personnel for any tortious act will be determined by Ohio courts to the applicable provisions of Ohio R.C. Chapter 2744.
(OBC 104)
Whoever violates any provision of this chapter or any Code adopted herein or fails to comply with any lawful order issued pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months or both. Each day during which noncompliance or a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The Municipality may institute injunction proceedings in Common Pleas Court to abate the nuisance of failure to cease work after receipt of a stop work order.