Golf Carts
338.01   Definitions.
338.02   Equipment.
338.03   Licensing requirements of operator.
338.04   Insurance requirements of owner and operator.
338.05   Inspection and title requirements.
338.06   Accident reports.
338.07   Fee structure for the inspection of golf carts.
   (a)    "Golf Cart" is defined as a vehicle powered by gas or electricity that cannot exceed 20 mph and is the type of vehicle typically operated on a golf course.
   (b)    "Operator" means any person who operates or is in actual physical control of a golf cart.
   (c)    "Owner" means any person or entity, other than a lienholder or dealer having title to a golf cart or legal rights to possession thereof.
(Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    Golf carts operated on the streets and highways within the Village of Crestline, Ohio, shall have a minimum of the following functional equipment thereon:
      (1)    At least one working rear taillight.
      (2)    License plates in the front and rear of the golf cart, bracketed to the cart.
      (3)    A light to illuminate the rear license plate and make the plate legible from a distance of 50 feet.
      (4)    At least one working brake light.
      (5)    Two headlights.
      (6)   A Horn.
      (7)    A rearview mirror.
      (8)    A windshield made of glass or safety glass.
      (9)    Turn Signals.
      (10)    One seat belt per occupant of the cart.
      (11)    A child safety seat for any occupant under the age of four or under 40 pounds in weight.
   (b)    Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and fined not more than one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00).
(Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    The operator of a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline shall have a valid driver's license.
   (b)    The operator of a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline shall be no less than 16 years of age.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and imprisonment of not more than six months. (Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    The owner of a golf cart that is driven on public roadways in the Village of Crestline shall carry liability insurance thereon as required by the Ohio R.C. 4509.101(A)(1).
   (b)    The operator of a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline shall have in his possession proof of insurance while operating the golf cart.
   (c)    Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and imprisonment of not more than six months. (Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    No person shall operate a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline without first obtaining an inspection by the Chief of Police, the County Sheriff, or the law enforcement official of another jurisdiction within the State of Ohio to ensure compliance with State laws and this chapter.
   (b)    No person shall operate a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline without a Certificate of Inspection in his possession.
   (c)    No person shall operate a golf cart on public roadways in the Village of Crestline without first obtaining a Certificate of Title from the Clerk of Courts.
   (d)    Yearly safety inspections shall be conducted by the Chief of Police at a cost of fifty dollars ($50.00) and any failed inspection will be charged a reinstatement fee of thirty five dollars ($35.00).
   (d)    Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and fined not more than one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00).
(Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    The owner or operator of a golf cart involved in any accident resulting in bodily injury to or death of any person shall immediately report the accident to the Police Department.
   (b)    The owner or operator of a golf cart involved in any accident resulting in damage to the property of any person in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall report the accident within 24 hours to the Chief of Police.
   (c)    Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a first degree misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and imprisonment of not more than six months. (Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)
   (a)    The Chief of Police shall be permitted in the course of his responsibilities as the Chief of Police to inspect golf carts for the purpose of determining their compliance with the Ohio Revised Code and the Ordinances of the Village, and to issue a certificate of compliance therefore.
   (b)    A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per inspection shall be charged to owners of golf carts who are not residents of the Village of Crestline.
(Ord. 3060. Passed 5-28-13.)