Upon the expiration of the time limit provided in Section 1341.03, the failure of the owner or lien holder to fully perform an agreement entered into under Section 1341.04, or the affirming of the determination to demolish the structure or building as provided in Section 1341.05, the Village Administrator shall arrange for the demolition of the structure or building by Village employees or by hiring a demolition contractor to do so. The total costs of demolition as defined in Section 1341.01 shall be paid from the Village General Fund and shall constitute a lien upon the property which shall be certified to the Crawford County Auditor who shall place said costs upon the tax duplicate for collection as other taxes. The Village may also institute a civil action against the owner to collect the total costs of demolition.
(Ord. 3012. Passed 5-14-12.)
The Village Administrator shall immediately, upon determining a structure or building unsafe, insecure, or structurally defective, cause a notice to be posted at each entrance to such building or upon such structure reading as follows: "DO NOT ENTER - UNSAFE TO OCCUPY. By order of the Village of Crestline." Such notice shall remain posted until the repairs, alterations, demolition or removal of such building or structure have been completed. Such notice shall not be removed except by permission of the Village Administrator. No person shall enter the structure or building thereafter except for the purpose of making the required repairs or in the process of demolishing or removing the building or structure.
(Ord. 3012. Passed 5-14-12.)
In the case of a genuine emergency presented by a structure or building which is an immediate risk to persons or property based upon a well-founded belief that it is on the verge of collapsing, the Village Administrator may cause it to be demolished without compliance with Sections 1341.02 to 1341.07.
(Ord. 3012. Passed 5-14-12.)