(A) Drawn to scale. Preliminary plans shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals not more than 50 feet on sheets measuring either 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. If more than one sheet is required to show the entire subdivision, then a key diagram showing the relative location of the several sheets shall be provided and such match-line data as necessary to match all drawings shall be provided.
(B) Information. The following information shall appear on the preliminary plan drawings or, if necessary for the sake of clarity, shall accompany the preliminary plan as an attachment thereto:
(1) Name or other identifying title;
(2) Date, including the month, day and year that the preliminary plan was completed and the month, day and year for each revision of the preliminary plan thereafter;
(3) Name and mailing address of the owner of record and subdivider or developer;
(4) Name, address and license number of the registered engineer, architect, landscape architect or professional and surveyor responsible for the plan. The professional seal of such individual must appear on the plan drawings which will be endorsed by the borough. Where the plan proposes new roads, new stormwater management facilities, or new mains for sanitary sewage or water supply, the design of such items must bear the seal of a registered professional engineer. The Borough Engineer may not represent an applicant;
(5) A key map for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided, drawn at a scale of one inch equals not more than 1,000 feet, showing the relation of the property, differentiated by tone or pattern, to adjoining property. All streets, roads, municipal boundaries, zoning districts and watercourses within 1,000 feet of any part of the subject property shall be shown;
(6) (a) Total tract boundaries of the property being subdivided showing bearings to the nearest second and distances to the nearest hundredth foot, and a statement of total acreage of the property to the nearest hundredth acre.
(b) For existing and proposed properties on the plan of less than one-quarter acre, the area shall be stated to the nearest thousandth acre and to the nearest square foot;
(7) Names of owners and deed book reference numbers for all abutting properties;
(8) All existing and proposed streets (whether public or private, paved or unpaved) within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision, including names, right-of-way widths and cartway widths;
(9) All proposed streets on any official map which may be adopted by the borough;
(10) Zoning data including all of the following if applicable:
(a) Existing regulations, including district designations, requirements for lot sizes and setbacks and any zoning district boundary lines traversing the subject tract:
(b) Any changes in the existing zoning to be requested by the applicant; and
(c) Any regulations other than borough zoning governing lot size or yard requirements.
(11) Contour lines at vertical intervals of at least two feet;
(12) Location and elevation of the datum to which contour elevations refer;
(13) All existing sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone utility lines and rights-of-way, culverts, bridges, railroads, quarries, strip mines, watercourses, floodplain areas and other significant human-made and natural features within the subject tract and 20 feet beyond the limits of said tract;
(14) All existing structures, the limit of existing tree masses, the location of single trees outside of a tree mass which are over three inches in caliper and four feet above ground level, and other significant features;
(15) The full plan of the proposed development, including the following:
(a) Location and width of all proposed streets, including rights-of-way, utility easement locations and suggested names;
(b) Building setback lines along each street;
(c) Existing and proposed lot lines with dimensions. Bearings shall be to the nearest second and distances shall be to the nearest hundredth foot. Error of closure shall not exceed one foot in 10,000 feet;
(d) Lot numbers, including a statement giving the total number of lots being created;
(e) A statement of the intended use of any and all nonresidential lots;
(f) Sanitary sewers, where proposed, with the proposed size(s) and material, showing the location of proposed manholes and of proposed connection(s) with existing sewerage infrastructure. If sewage disposal is to be provided by an on-site subsurface system, then the location of all soil percolation test holes shall be shown;
(g) Stormwater management facilities, including storm sewers as may be proposed. If storm sewers are proposed, size(s) and material of mains shall be provided along with a statement indicating whether or not the sewer will connect with any existing storm sewer system and the proposed location of outfall; and
(h) Parks, playgrounds and other areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use. A statement shall be provided indicating any and all conditions governing such use.
(16) Floodplain areas, including the floodway, flood fringe, the general floodplain, and the special floodplain, as defined and regulated by Chapter 153 of this code of ordinances. Said floodplain areas are hereby established, as those areas indicated on the flood boundary and floodway map which accompanies the flood insurance study prepared for the borough by the FEMA and the Federal Insurance Administration, dated May 18, 2021; and
(17) Wetlands, as established by an individual qualified to make such determination, in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as provided in the Wetlands Delineation Manual (publication TRY-87-1, latest edition).
(C) Information to accompany a preliminary plan. The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by the following supplementary data, as applicable.
(1) Typical street cross-section drawing(s) for all proposed streets, preferably on separate profile sheets;
(2) Proposed centerline profiles for each proposed street shall be shown. Profiles shall show existing and proposed grades at one of the following sets of scales:
(a) One inch equals ten feet horizontal, and one inch equals one foot vertical;
(b) One inch equals 20 feet horizontal, and one inch equals two feet vertical; and
(c) One inch equals 50 feet horizontal, and one inch equals five feet vertical.
(3) A stormwater management plan.
(a) Where existing storm sewers are accessible and of sufficient capacities, subdivision and land developments shall connect to those sewers.
(b) In the absence of a sufficient storm sewer system, stormwater runoff shall discharge to an existing watercourse with defined bed and barriers. Runoff shall not be increased or concentrated onto adjacent properties, nor shall the velocity of flow be increased beyond that existing prior to subdivision or land development unless written permission is given by the adjacent property owner(s) to the proposed discharge of surface runoff and such are approved by the Borough Engineer.
(c) The stormwater management plan and the calculations to create said plan shall be prepared by individuals duly registered in the Commonwealth to perform such duties.
(4) Preliminary designs of bridges and culverts as may be required. Such designs shall meet all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Calculations for waterway openings shall be included. All designs shall be subject to approval by the Borough Engineer; and
(5) Common facilities not dedicated to the borough: where facilities are proposed for use by the residents or lessees of a subdivision and are not to be dedicated to the borough, the developer or subdivider shall make provision for the maintenance of and responsibility for such facilities, including legal liability. Such provision shall be in the form of a trust agreement or a community association document (such as a homeowners association or condominium association document), and shall be subject to review and approval of the Borough Solicitor and the Borough Engineer.
(Prior Code, Ch. 22, § 402) (Ord. 173, passed 10-5-1970, § 402; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)