(A)   Review by Borough Engineer.
      (1)   The Borough Engineer shall review the preliminary plan to determine its conformance to this subchapter and the borough’s zoning regulations (Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances), as amended, identifying all deviations from the requirements of the said ordinances as may be found, and recommending such changes, alterations or modifications as he or she may deem necessary.
      (2)   The report of the Borough Engineer shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at or prior to the meeting at which the preliminary plan is to be considered by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Review by the Borough Planning Commission.
      (1)   When a preliminary plan has been properly submitted, such plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, or, in the discretion of the Planning Commission, at a special meeting.
      (2)   During review of the preliminary plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the reports of the Borough Engineer and other consultants and review bodies as may be applicable, before making a final decision.
      (3)   The Planning Commission shall recommend that the preliminary plan be approved, approved with conditions or denied.
         (a)   Such decision and the reasons therefor shall be submitted, in writing and at the discretion of the Planning Commission, to Borough Council, the applicant, and the Borough Engineer within one week of the meeting at which the preliminary plan was reviewed.
         (b)   If the Planning Commission recommends that the plan be approved with conditions or be denied, the decision shall state the reasons for such decision and the provisions of this subchapter or the zoning regulations (Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances) relied upon.
         (c)   Upon approval, at least one copy of the preliminary plan drawing shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Planning Commission, indicating that such plan has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and is the subject of their final decision and recommendation to Borough Council. Such signed preliminary plan shall be transmitted to Borough Council by the Borough Manager.
   (C)   Review by Borough Council.
      (1)   When a preliminary plan has been transmitted to the Borough Council by the Planning Commission, together with the final decision and recommendation of the Commission, such preliminary plan shall be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Borough Council.
      (2)   The Borough Council shall review the preliminary plan and the written reports and recommendations thereon of the Borough Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the Borough Engineer and by any other reviewing bodies having a jurisdiction, to determine the conformance of their preliminary plan to the standards of this chapter. The Council may require or recommend such changes and modifications as it shall deem necessary or advisable in the public interest.
(Prior Code, Ch. 22, § 304) (Ord. 173, passed 10-5-1970, § 304; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)