§ 154.031 SKETCH PLAN.
   (A)   The review and submission of a sketch plan is not part of the formal approval process, but is intended to provide an opportunity for informal discussion between the applicant and the borough. Sketch plan submission shall be at the discretion of the applicant and is encouraged, but not required.
   (B)   The party submitting a sketch plan shall contact the Borough Manager to request a place on the agenda of a regular Planning Commission meeting.
   (C)   The borough shall not require any review fee for sketch plans, except as necessary to cover the fees of the Borough Engineer and any other consultant(s) as may reasonably be retained by the borough to review and comment upon the plan.
   (D)   For the presentation of the sketch plan to the Planning Commission, the applicant shall be prepared to address the following points:
      (1)   The compatibility of the proposal with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan in effect;
      (2)   The natural constraints present on the site and how the proposal addresses those constraints;
      (3)   The anticipated impact of the proposed development upon the demand for community services and facilities, particularly schools, traffic and recreational areas;
      (4)   Compatibility with the zoning regulations (Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances) in effect; and
      (5)   Anticipated method of water supply and sewage disposal.
   (E)   The applicant may, but is not required to, present formal studies or analyses to support assertions made during the presentation.
   (F)   The Planning Commission may ask questions and make comments concerning the proposal following or during the presentation. Comments made at this time shall not be binding upon the borough.
   (G)   The Borough Secretary/Treasurer shall retain a copy of all sketch plans reviewed by the Borough Planning Commission along with a copy of any written comments concerning that plan.
   (H)   Following review by the Planning Commission, the applicant may request a review of the sketch plan by Borough Council. The applicant shall not be required to make such request (although the Planning Commission may make a recommendation that he or she do so), nor shall Council be compelled to grant such request.
(Prior Code, Ch. 22, § 302) (Ord. 173, passed 10-5-1970, § 302; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)