A Recreation Board is hereby established in and for the borough in accordance with the provisions of Article XXVII, §§ 2709 et seq. of the Borough Code (1966 P.L. No. 581), being 8 Pa.C.S. § 2709.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-421) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 1; Ord. 137, passed 5-8-1967, § 1)
The Board shall consist of seven members, who shall be adult residents of the borough, and two members of which may be members of the Board of the Blue Mountain School District. Members of the Board shall serve without pay.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-422) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 2; Ord. 137, passed 5-8-1967, § 2)
The members of the Board shall serve for a term of five years or until their successors are appointed, except that members of the Board first appointed shall be for such terms that the term of at least one member shall expire annually thereafter. Vacancies in the Board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term, shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as original appointments.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-423) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 3)
The Council hereby appoints the following persons to the Recreation Board for the terms commencing January 1, 1966, as follows:
[Here followed the names and terms of office of the original members].
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-424) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 4)
The Board shall meet monthly and shall elect their own Chairperson and Borough Secretary/Treasurer to serve for a one-year term. The Board shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of all business within its jurisdiction.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-425) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 5)
The Board shall have the authority to supervise, operate, equip and maintain places and may employ play leaders, recreation directors, supervisors, superintendents or any other officers or employees as the Board shall deem proper.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-426) (Ord. 116, passed 12-6-1965, § 6)