(A)   Duties. The City Engineer shall prepare all plans, specifications and estimates for all public work in the city, and shall establish grades on all streets and alleys where the same have not been established and he shall reestablish grades on such streets and alleys as the Council may direct. Such grades when established shall be reported to the Council and recorded in the records of the city. The City Engineer shall establish grades and set stakes for all street and alley improvements in the city, and supervise all improvements in the city, and shall report to the Council concerning each public improvement in the city the facts as to whether the improvement has been done in strict accordance with the plans and specifications thereof. He shall furnish to the Clerk-Treasurer copies of all proceedings, showing the grades of streets and alleys now on file in his office, or which may hereafter be ordered to be made, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall cause the same to be filed and recorded.
   (B)   Reports and inspections. After the completion of any public work in the city, the City Engineer shall measure the same in accordance with the contract for such work and he shall compute the amount due under the contract on such work and report the same to the Council. In cases where there are any extras or any compensation claimed by such contractor outside of or beyond the regular contract price, as per his bid and contract, the City Engineer shall specifically state in his report the nature of such extras and the price or amount which he recommends should be allowed therefor. The City Engineer shall at the time he reports the completion of any street, alley, sidewalk or sewer improvement file with his report a plat of such work showing on such plat the total length of such improvement, together with the width and area if it is a street or sidewalk improvement, and together with a plat of all the lots, tracts and parcels of land abutting thereon, and together with a plat of all the lots, tracts and parcels of land, which under the statutes of the State of Indiana may be assessed for the cost of such improvement, showing the size and dimensions of each lot, the width of each street and alley and private driveway intersecting the improved street or alley, together with the names of the owners of each of these lots, tracts or parcels of land. He shall also inspect all timber, iron, cement, gravel, stone and other materials used or to be used in the construction of any public work in the city, and he may reject all such as may in his opinion be unsafe and unfit for the purpose for which it is intended to be used and he shall reject any which do not comply with the specifications for the work. The City Engineer shall be subject to the directions of the Council.
   (C)   Surveying lots. The City Engineer shall, in surveying for the ascertainment of lines, corners and dimensions of lots, ascertain precisely the corner of the square nearest to which the corner of the lot or lots to be surveyed may lie, and shall measure there from along the streets adjacent thereto, and give full dimensions to each lot up to the alley running nearest thereto so that, if there is any deficiency of ground belonging legally to any lot or lots in such square, such deficiency shall be added to such lot or lots and taken from the alleys.
   (D)   Recording surveys. The City Engineer shall cause all public surveys, maps, charts, drafts, plans or other documents made by himself or his assistant to be recorded in books which shall be provided at the expense of the city, and which the Engineer shall carefully preserve in his office. The City Engineer shall designate to any person holding franchises in the city the location of any telegraph or telephone poles and he shall designate the digging of any trench for the laying of any main, and his decision in such matters shall be final. He shall superintend all connections made with the storm sewers or sanitary sewers of the city. The City Engineer shall also superintend the numbering of houses and buildings of the city.
   (E)   Map of public improvements. The City Engineer shall prepare and furnish to the Council a map, showing the exact length and dimensions of any public improvement constructed in the city, the area of such improvement, by sections of not more than one-half block, and the dimensions and location of all street and alley intersections, corners, and private driveways when improved under contract.
(‘85 Code, § 4.03)