(A)   Meeting times. The standing committees of the Council shall meet at least once per month at six o'clock in the evening on the first Monday of the month unless changed from time to time by motion. If the first Monday of any month is a legal holiday or day on which the city's offices are closed, the committee session must be scheduled on the next day that is not a legal holiday or day on which the city's offices are closed.
   (B)   Rules of business.
      (1)   All items for business shall be assigned to the proper committee by the Mayor without debate, or may be presented to the committee Chairperson by member or that committee. If presented to the committee Chairperson, that committee Chairperson will in turn inform the Mayor of the nature of the business no later than three days prior to the meeting of the committee.
      (2)   All items for business, either handwritten or typed, shall be made available to all committee members no later than three calendar days prior to the meeting of the committee unless unanimously agreed upon by the committee members.
      (3)   All items of business shall be forwarded to the Council at its next meeting with one of the following recommendations:
         (a)   Favorable.
         (b)   Unfavorable.
         (c)   No recommendation.
      (4)   The Robert’s Rules of order, so far as applicable, are the rules of standing committees, unless they conflict with the rules herein.
(Ord. 29-1995, passed 12-11-95; Am. Ord. 3-2000, passed 3-13-00; Am. Ord. 4-2010, passed 4-13-10; Am. Ord. 5-2013, passed 2-11-13; Am. Ord. 28-2019, passed 12-9-19)