(A)   Whenever an abandoned motor vehicle is removed by the town then after holding the vehicle for 30 days after removal, the town may sell or dispose of it as provided in this section.
   (B)   If the vehicle appears to be worth less than $100, the town may dispose of it as a junked motor vehicle as provided in § 92.055. With the consent of the owner, the town may remove and dispose of any motor vehicle as a junked motor vehicle, without regard to the value, condition or age of the vehicle, and without holding it for any prescribed period of time.
   (C)   If the vehicle is worth $100 or more, it shall be sold at public auction. Twenty days written notice of the sale shall be given to the registered owner at his/her last known address, the holders of all liens of record against the vehicle, and the state Division of Motor Vehicles.
   (D)   Any person having an interest in the vehicle may redeem it at any time before the sale by paying all costs accrued to date.
   (E)   The proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the town Finance Officer, who shall pay to the appropriate officers or persons the costs of removal, storage, investigation, sale and liens of record, in that order. The remainder of the proceeds of sale, if any, shall be paid over to the registered owner, or held by the town for 60 days if the registered owner cannot be located with reasonable diligence. If the owner does not claim the remainder of the proceeds within 60 days after the sale, the funds shall be deposited in the town general fund and the owner's right shall forever be extinguished.
   (F)   When it receives a town bill of sale from a purchaser or other person entitled to receive any vehicle disposed of as provided in this section, the state Division of Motor Vehicles will issue a certificate of title for the vehicle as required by law.
(‘87 Code, § 11-35) (Am. Res. 2018-04, passed 5-17-18; Ord. passed 1-10-2022)