(A)   Premises served by bulk containers. Subject to the remaining provisions of this chapter, all premises served by bulk containers shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   The size, type and location of bulk containers shall be approved in writing by the Town Manager after consultation with the owner of the premises concerned. In making this determination, the Town Manager shall consider the needs of the occupants of the premises, the welfare of the occupants and neighbors.
      (2)   All bulk containers shall be cleaned by the owner periodically to minimize offensive odors, and the tops or openings to all bulk containers shall be kept closed at all times pending collection. In addition, all bulk containers shall at all times be kept (by the owner) clean, neat, painted and in a good state of repair.
      (3)   The town shall not provide service to bulk containers.
      (4)   Household furniture and appliances, small dead animals, cardboard boxes and cartons will be collected only pursuant to the provisions of § 92.033.
('87 Code, § 11-18)
   (B)   Premises not served by bulk containers. Subject to the remaining provisions of this chapter, all premises not served by bulk containers shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Pending collection by the town, garbage, household trash and business trash shall be stored in conformity to the following regulations:
         (a)   All garbage, household trash and business trash shall be stored only in appropriate refuse receptacles as set forth in § 92.031 and the receptacles shall be covered at all times with tight-fitting covers or, in the case of plastic bags, shall be tightly sealed.
         (b)   Garbage shall be bagged in a plastic bag with sufficient wall strength to maintain their physical integrity while being lifted by the top when the weight of the bag and its contents equals 35 pounds. Any liquid waste, such as grease, shall be sealed in its own separate container before being placed in the refuse receptacle. All bagged household garbage shall be placed in the refuse receptacle provided for pick-up.
         (c)   All dangerous trash items and all waste material of a hazardous nature, such as broken glass, light bulbs, sharp pieces of metal, fluorescent tubes and television tubes shall be securely wrapped to prevent injury to the collection crews.
         (d)   Garbage and household trash will be collected by the town or its contractor.
         (e)   No refuse shall be collected where refuse receptacles cannot be serviced by sanitation personnel without unlocking, opening or reaching over a door, gate or similar obstacle, encountering a porch, carport or garage, encountering a dog, or otherwise being denied reasonable access by parked vehicles, yard tools, equipment or similar objects.
      (2)   The town may provide yard debris collection services. Pending collection, yard debris shall be stored in conformity with the following regulations:
         (a)   All yard debris shall be stored in securely sealed plastic bags, 32-gallon trash cans (and not in town provided receptacles) or placed upon a four-by-four tarp, and shall not exceed 75 pounds.
         (b)   Yard debris stored in compliance with division (B)(2)(a) above shall be placed at curbside, but not blocking roads, sidewalks, or drainage ditches on a schedule to be determined by the town.
      (3)   The town may provide tree trimming collection services. Tree trimmings shall be stored pending collection in conformity with the following regulations:
         (a)   Tree trimmings shall be placed at curbside, but not blocking roads, sidewalks or drainage ditches, for collection by the town on a schedule to be determined by the town.
         (b)   No tree trunks, branches or limbs larger than six inches in diameter, longer than five feet or heavier than 75 pounds shall be collected by the town. Piles may be no greater than five feet by five feet by five feet with no more than two piles each collection period.
         (c)   Tree limbs shall have protruding branches trimmed and shall be neatly stacked and placed in an orderly manner at curbside, but not blocking roads, sidewalks, or drainage ditches.
         (d)   Shrubbery trimmings and thorny vegetation shall be placed near the curbside, but not blocking roads, sidewalks, or drainage ditches, in small, neat piles. All trimmings shall be effectively secured to prevent scattering by the wind.
         (e)   The town shall not collect tree and shrubbery trimmings resulting from work performed by landscaping or tree service contractors or other commercial workmen or resulting from land clearing work.
      (4)   Loose leaves may be placed pending collection near the street in the front yard, and may not be placed in right of way including drainage ditches, streets, sidewalks and other public rights of way.
      (5)   Refuse receptacles and recycle bins may be placed near the street on the evening prior to collection day but not blocking streets or sidewalks. Refuse receptacles and all other containers or bins must be returned to the principal structure and neatly stored by 9:00 p.m. the day after pickup.
      (6)   Disabled provisions. In the event a resident is physically unable to place the cart at the curbside, the resident may request and receive backyard pick-up with a doctor’s certification.
      (7)   Receptacles or containers other than those described in § 92.031 may be treated as solid waste and may be collected by the town.
      (8)   Receptacles or containers weighing, when full, more than 75 pounds will not be collected by the town. Small dead animals, household furniture and appliances, and cardboard cartons and boxes will be collected only pursuant to the provisions of § 92.033.
(‘87 Code, § 11-19) (Am. Res. 2018-04, passed 5-17-18; Ord. passed 1-10-2022; Ord. passed 3-19-2024) Penalty, see § 92.999