(A)   Special collection of household furniture and appliances. Upon request, the town may collect normal household discarded furniture and appliances, including sofas, chairs, beds, refrigerators, washers, dryers, water heaters and similar items, but not including furnaces and central air conditioners. Discarded household furniture, appliances, bedding and mattresses will be picked up on a schedule to be determined by the town. These items may not be placed on vacant lots or on rights of way.
   (B)   Dead animals. Small dead animals, except from slaughterhouses and rendering plants, will be collected by the town during normal operating hours provided that, when practical, the bodies are to be sealed in a plastic bag then placed in front of the premises upon the grass strip between the street and the sidewalk where these strips exist; otherwise, they should be placed off that portion of the street right-of-way used by vehicles, pedestrians or used for surface drainage. Owners of large dead animals shall be responsible for their removal and disposal.
   (C)   Cardboard boxes and cartons. The person in charge of the premises or the one disposing of them shall collapse all cardboard boxes, cartons and crates prior to depositing them in authorized containers.
(‘87 Code, § 11-20) (Am. Res. 2018-04, passed 5-17-18; Ord. passed 3-19-2024) Penalty, see § 92.999