   (A)   Except for Ch. 151 of this code of ordinances and § 150.02 of this chapter, this chapter shall be applicable not only within the corporate limits of the town, but also within the boundaries of its extraterritorial jurisdiction established by the town for the enforcement of municipal regulatory powers conferred by G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 19.
   (B)   Ch. 151 of this code of ordinances and § 150.02 of this chapter shall be applicable only within the corporate limits of the town.
   (A)   It is hereby found and declared that there exists in the town structures and buildings, other than buildings utilized for housing of humans, (hereinafter called buildings) which are especially dangerous to life because of defects in the buildings increasing the hazards of fire, accidents and other calamities; or because of bad condition of walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, decay, unsafe wiring or heating system, inadequate means of egress; or because of their violation of the minimum standards prescribed in the regulatory codes adopted by the town and appearing in §§ 151.015 through 151.022 of this chapter; or because of other conditions rendering the buildings unsafe or unsanitary, and dangerous and otherwise inimical to the welfare of the citizens of the town.
   (B)   In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the town, it is the purpose of this section to provide procedures for the repair, closing or demolition of the buildings set forth in division (A) above.
   (C)   No provision of this section shall be held to deprive any federal or state agency, or any municipal authority having jurisdiction, of any power or authority which it had on the effective date of this section or of any remedy then existing for the enforcement of its orders, nor shall it deprive any individual or corporation of its legal rights as provided by law.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to move a building of any kind without first obtaining a permit from the Zoning Administrator.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with any of the provisions or conditions of the permit.
   The owner of each building or dwelling shall apply to the duly authorized government official for a street number to be affixed to the building or dwelling within 30 days from the completion thereof. Upon obtaining the street number, the same shall be affixed to the building or dwelling in a conspicuous place visible from the street, in figures at least three inches high. The numbers shall also be placed against a contrasting background, or the letters themselves shall have reflective qualities. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obtain the number, to fail or refuse to affix the same in a proper size, or to fail or neglect to display the same in a conspicuous place in front of his or her building or dwelling.
§ 150.15 SCOPE.
   (A)   The provisions of this subchapter and of the regulatory codes herein adopted shall apply to the following:
      (1)   The location, design, materials, equipment, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, maintenance, moving, demolition, removal, use and occupancy of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to the building or structure;
      (2)   The installation, erection, alternation, repair, use and maintenance of plumbing systems consisting of house sewers, building drains, waste and vent systems, hot and cold water supply systems and all fixtures and appurtenances thereof;
      (3)   The installation, erection, alteration, repair, use and maintenance of mechanical systems consisting of heating ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, fuel-burning equipment and appurtenances thereof; and
      (4)   The installation, erection, alteration, repair, use and maintenance of electrical systems and appurtenances thereof.
   (B)   The adoption of this subchapter and the codes herein adopted by reference shall constitute a resolution within the meaning of G.S. § 143-138(e), making the regulatory codes herein adopted applicable to dwellings and outbuildings used in connection therewith, to apartment buildings used exclusively as a residence for not more than two families and to temporary buildings or sheds used exclusively for construction purposes, not exceeding 12 feet in any direction and not used for living quarters.
   The North Carolina State Building Code, as enacted and published by the state’s Building Code Board and as modified by the accumulative supplements thereto covering amendments passed and ratified, is adopted by reference as fully as though set forth herein as the Building Code of the town to the extent the code is applicable for safe and stable design, methods of construction, minimum standards and use of materials in buildings or structures hereafter erected, enlarged, altered, repaired or otherwise constructed or reconstructed.