(A) The area of the mobile home or trailer stand shall be improved to provide an adequate and approved foundation for the placement of the mobile home or trailer, thereby positioning the super structure against uplift, sliding, rotation or overbearing. The mobile home or trailer stand shall be on basically non-combustible materials and shall not shift, or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home or trailer due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting upon the super structure. A mobile home or trailer stand may be provided by means of a solid concrete foot or block sixteen inches by 16 inches by four inches minimum placed on solid uniform soil upon which are placed and centered standard concrete blocks on top of another with cells placed vertically. A solid four-inch concrete cap covering the concrete blocks shall be provided as the bearing area to be positioned directly beneath the steel frame of the mobile home or trailer. If blocking shall be provided upon which shall be placed a wooden spacer and wooden shims upon the full length of the mobile home or trailer unit, they shall be placed not more than ten feet apart and not more than five feet from the ends of the unit.
(B) The skirting of all mobile homes and trailers is required. Such skirting shall not attach a mobile home or trailer permanently to the ground, but shall be sufficient to withstand wind blow requirements and shall not provide a harborage for junk or rodents nor create a fire hazard. Such skirting shall be provided with removable or hinged access panels sufficient to provide easy access to all utility connection points of the mobile home or trailer and its subsequent connection with the utility risers if they are located within the skirted area.
(C) Skirting for trailers, travel trailers or recreational trailers on authorized overnight trailer spaces shall not be required; provided that, the trailer, travel trailer or recreational trailer is not parked on said overnight space for more than 30 days. All mobile homes and trailers shall be secured to the ground by being affixed to a minimum of four anchors as to prevent the trailer or mobile home from overturning or the separation of the chassis from the frame due to high winds within 30 days of location in the mobile home or trailer space.
(1976 Code, § 10-535) Penalty, see § 10.99