General Provisions
153.01 Statutory authorization
153.02 Findings of fact
153.03 Statement of purpose
153.04 Land to which chapter applies
153.05 Enforcement officer
153.06 Interpretation of district boundaries
153.07 Compliance
153.08 Abrogation and greater restrictions
153.09 Interpretation
153.10 Warning and disclaimer of liability
153.11 Severability
153.12 Appeal
153.13 Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
153.25 Development permit
153.26 Zoning districts established
153.27 Variances
153.28 Non-conforming uses
153.29 Amendments
Flood Hazard Reduction
153.40 Floodplain development
153.41 Flood Fringe District (including AO and AH Zones)
153.42 Floodway Overlay District
153.99 Penalty