(A)   Piping from fuel storage tanks or cylinders to trailers or mobile homes shall be copper or other acceptable metallic tubing and shall be permanently installed and securely fastened in place. Fuel storage tanks or cylinders shall be set upon a firm foundation or otherwise firmly secured in place, readily available for inspection and located so as to require filling and draining on the outside and shall be not less than five feet from any trailer exit. The possible effect on the outlet piping of settling of containers shall be guarded against by a flexible connection or special fitting.
   (B)   No empty fuel containers shall be placed under trailers or mobile homes, but shall be left in place if the trailer is so designed for more than one container. If not so designed, the empty containers shall be stored in an area which the trailer court operator or mobile home operator shall designate for the storage of such containers.
   (C)   The National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 501A for Trailer Courts, as it presently exists or may hereafter be amended, is hereby incorporated by reference and shall apply to all trailer courts and mobile home courts except that no filling plant for liquefied petroleum gases shall be constructed, maintained or operated within a trailer court or mobile home court.
(1976 Code, § 10-533) Penalty, see § 10.99