(A)   Prior to cutting or excavating the street pavement section, written permission should be obtained from the Town Council.
   (B)   Prior to removing any asphalt, a clean cut of the pavement section should be performed. The horizontal limits of the cut should be as shown on the attached standard detail incorporated in § 156.04.
   (C)   All backfill material placed beneath the asphalt pavement thickness should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding eight inches in thickness, and compacted to a minimum of 95% of ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor) maximum dry density at a moisture content within 3% above or below the ASTM D698 optimum moisture content.
   (D)   (1)   On-site soils removed from the trench excavation, free of organic matter or debris, may be used as backfill beneath the pavement section.
      (2)   The PAVEMENT SECTION is defined as the asphalt thickness plus the imported road base material.
      (3)   On-site soil used for backfill should be placed and property compacted as described in division (C) above.
   (E)   (1)   Only on-site soil removed from the trench excavation may be used for backfill beneath the pavement section as defined in division (D) above.
      (2)   If additional backfill is required other than the on-site soil removed from the trench to obtain finish grade elevations, it shall be approved, imported backfill material. APPROVED, IMPORTED BACKFILL MATERIAL is defined as material, free of organic matter and debris, meeting attached specifications.
      (3)   Approved imported backfill should be placed and properly compacted as described in division (C) above.
   (F)   (1)   A minimum of 12 inches of crushed road base material shall be placed directly below the asphalt pavement thickness.
      (2)   The road base material should comply with the attached State Transportation Department’s Gradation K specifications for base course aggregate incorporated in § 156.04.
      (3)   Road base material should be placed and properly compacted as described in division (C) above.
   (G)   (1)   Replacement asphalt thickness should be one and one-half times the original asphalt thickness, but not less than a minimum of four inches. Asphalt pavement materials should meet applicable requirements of the 2021 edition of the State Highway Department’s Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, §§ 402, 402, 702 and 703.07. The asphalt concrete should be placed in maximum two-inch thick compacted lifts. Tack coats conforming with § 407 are recommended between lifts. One-half-inch maximum size aggregate should be used for the upper lift. Either one-half or three-fourths inch maximum size aggregate may be used for the lower lifts.
      (2)   Each lift of the asphalt concrete should be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the 50 blow Marshall compaction (ASTM D1559) density of the placed mixture. Marshall design should meet the following requirements:
         (a)   Stability: 1,500 pounds minimum;
         (b)   Flow: eight- to 18-hundredths of an inch;
         (c)   Air voids: 3 to 5%; and
         (d)   Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA): 14% minimum of one-half-inch maximum size aggregate.
   (H)   The town personnel should approve the proposed horizontal limits of the pavement cut and observe the repair of the pavement section to ensure the above standards are met.
(Ord. 233, passed 12-10-1992) Penalty, see § 10.99