§ 5. FORMS.
   (A)   Forms may be made of wood or metal and shall have a depth equal to or greater than the prescribed edge of thickness of the pavement. Each section of form shall be straight, free from bends or warps.
   (B)   The method of connections between the form sections shall be such that the joint thus formed is tight and free from movement in any direction.
   (C)   Forms shall be of such cross-sections and strength and so secured as to resist the pressure of the concrete when placed and the impact and vibration of any equipment which they support without springing or settlement.
      (1)   Setting forms. The subgrade under the forms shall be compacted and shaped so that the form when set shall provide the specified elevation. The supply of forms shall be sufficient to permit their remaining in place for sufficient time so when removed the concrete will not be displaced. All forms shall be cleaned and oiled each time they are used.
      (2)   Grade and alignment. The alignment and grade elevation of the forms shall be checked by the contractor immediately ahead of concrete placement and necessary corrections will be made. Any forms that have been disturbed or subgrade that has become unstable shall be corrected and forms reset and rechecked. Any variations in grade and alignment shall be subject to approval by the inspector, prior to placing the concrete.
(1984 Code, Ch. 157, App. A, § 5) (Ord. O-86-78, passed 8-17-1978) Penalty, see § 157.999