(A)   Reporting of property found in cab. All drivers shall promptly report to the Police Department all property of value left in the taxicabs by passengers, together with all information in his or her possession regarding the passenger and property.
   (B)   Reporting of accident or casualty required.
      (1)   Any driver who is involved in an accident resulting in fatal or non-fatal personal injury to any person or damage to the vehicle rendering the vehicle inoperable shall be required to immediately notify a law enforcement officer having jurisdiction. In the event the driver is incapable of notifying a law enforcement officer having jurisdiction, such responsibility shall rest with the operator of the taxicab or any occupant of the taxicab at the time of the accident. A law enforcement officer having jurisdiction shall investigate the accident and file a written report of the accident with his or her law enforcement agency.
      (2)   Any driver who is involved in an accident resulting in any property damage exceeding $500 in which an investigation is not conducted by a law enforcement officer shall file a written report of the accident with the Department of State Police within ten days of occurrence of the accident upon forms provided by the Department.
      (3)   Any driver that does not comply with divisions (B)(1) and (B)(2) above is subject not only to the penalties provided by this subchapter but also the penalties afforded by KRS Ch. 189.
   (C)   Record required.
      (1)   Every driver shall keep a daily record of all trips made each day showing time and place of origin and destination of each trip, the amount of the fare and the number of the passengers transported. Such record shall be given to the operator by the driver at the conclusion of his or her tour of duty.
      (2)   The record shall be kept by the operator at his or her place of business for 60 days.
      (3)   The records shall be subject to inspection by any police officer of the city at all reasonable times.
   (D)   Solicitation of passengers. While waiting employment, taxicabs shall remain in or at their designated station. No person shall drive or cruise or be permitted to drive or cruise any taxicab over any of the streets of the city for the purpose of soliciting passengers.
   (E)   Passengers.
      (1)   While on duty, no driver shall permit any person to ride in the front seat with him or her until three passengers occupy the back seat.
      (2)   No driver shall carry any person in the taxicab other than the passenger by whom he or she has been engaged.
      (3)   No driver shall carry more than five passengers on any one trip.
   (F)   Discharge of passengers. Drivers shall neither receive, nor discharge, passengers in the roadway, but shall pull up to the right-hand sidewalk as nearly as possible, or, in the absence of a sidewalk, to the extreme right-hand side of the road, and there receive or discharge passengers, except one-way streets where passengers may be discharged at either the left-hand or the right-hand sidewalk or the side of the roadway in the absence of a sidewalk.
   (G)   Driver’s conduct and dress code.
      (1)   While on duty, a driver shall act in a professional and courteous manner.
      (2)   Drivers shall wear full-length trousers (slacks or blue jeans), a shirt with a collar and sleeves, and shoes. Female drivers may wear a skirt. Shorts may be worn from May 16 through Labor Day. Shorts must be solid in color and in good repair. Cutoffs or frayed shorts shall not be worn. Shorts may be no more than three inches above the knee, and shorts below the knee shall not be worn. Shorts shall be worn with a belt. Drivers shall wear socks and shoes. Sandals are not permitted. Clothes must be clean and neat, in good condition, free from fraying, tears, rips, stains and dirt. Shirts must be buttoned.
   (H)   Unlawful acts. A driver may not knowingly:
      (1)   Facilitate the commission of an unlawful act;
      (2)   Solicit another person to engage in sexual conduct with another person for compensation;
      (3)   Transport an individual who is engaged in the commission of an unlawful act, or otherwise aid or promote an unlawful act; or
      (4)   Permit an unlawful act to be conducted in the taxicab.
(1984 Code, § 111.290) (Ord. O-40-04, passed 6-22-2004) Penalty, see § 119.999
Statutory reference:
   Reporting of vehicle accident to law enforcement officer, see KRS 189.635 and 189.993(12)