§ 119.038 TAXIMETER.
   (A)   (1)   All taxicabs operated under the authority of this subchapter shall be equipped with taximeters fastened in front of passengers, visible to them at all times, day and night.
      (2)   After sundown, the face of the meter shall be illuminated.
      (3)   Such taximeters shall be maintained and used for purposes of correctly measuring and computing the distance traveled by such taxicab while employed. Such taximeter shall be operated mechanically by a mechanism of standard design and construction, driven either from the transmission or from one of the front wheels by a flexible and permanently attached driving mechanism. There shall also be allowed an electronic timing mechanism to operate when said vehicle is not in motion to register waiting time. They shall be sealed at all points and connections, which if manipulated, would affect their correct reading and recording. Each taximeter shall have thereon a flag to denote when the vehicle is employed and when it is not employed and it shall be the duty of the driver to throw the flag of such meter into a non-recording position at the termination of each trip. It shall be unlawful for the driver of the vehicle to transport any passenger without such flag being placed in the recording position to indicate that the vehicle is employed. The taximeter shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Police Department or other officer as might from time to time be authorized by the City Manager and, upon any discovery of any inaccuracy in the taximeter, it shall be the duty of the inspecting officer to notify the person operating such taxicab to cease operation; thereupon, such taxicab shall be kept off the highways until the taximeter is repaired and in the required working condition.
   (B)   No operator or driver shall use his or her vehicle in non-metered taxicab operations between points within the city, unless an hourly or daily rate is agreed upon by the driver and passenger(s) according to § 119.039(B) of this chapter.
(1984 Code, § 111.288) (Ord. O-40-04, passed 6-22-2004) Penalty, see § 119.999