(A) Generally. Minutes of each City Council meeting shall be kept by the City Clerk or, in the City Clerk's absence, by the Deputy City Clerk. In the absence of both, the presiding officer shall appoint a secretary pro tem. Ordinances, resolutions and claims need not be recorded in full in the minutes if they appear in other permanent records of the City Clerk and can be accurately identified from the description given in the minutes.
(B) Approval. The minutes of each meeting shall be reduced to typewritten form, shall be signed by the City Clerk, and copies thereof shall be delivered to each Council Member as soon as practicable after the meeting. At the next regular City Council meeting following the delivery, approval of the minutes shall be considered by the City Council. The minutes need not be read aloud, but the presiding officer shall call for any additions or corrections. If there is no objection to a proposed addition or correction, it may be made without a vote of the City Council. If there is an objection, the City Council shall vote upon the addition or correction. If there are no additions or corrections, the minutes shall stand approved.
(A) Order established. Each meeting of the City Council shall convene at the time and place appointed therefor. City Council business shall be conducted in the following order unless varied by the presiding officer or by-laws or other procedures adopted by Council resolution:
(1) Call to order.
(2) Roll call.
(3) Approval of minutes.
(4) Consent agenda.
(5) Public hearings.
(6) Petitions, requests, and communications.
(7) Ordinances and resolutions.
(8) Reports of officers, boards, and committees.
(9) Unfinished business.
(10) New business.
(11) Miscellaneous.
(12) Adjournment.
(B) Petitions and agenda. Petitions and other papers addressed to the City Council shall be read or copies distributed by the City Clerk upon presentation of the same to the City Council. All persons desiring to present new business before the City Council shall inform the City Clerk thereof at least 72 hours before new business is to be heard. The City Clerk may prepare an agenda of the new business for submission to the City Council on or before the time of the next regular meeting.
The votes of the Council Members on any question may be taken in any manner which signifies the intention of the individual members, and the votes of the Council Members on any action taken shall be recorded in the minutes. The vote of each Council Member shall be recorded on each appropriation of money, except for payments of judgments, claims and amounts fixed by statute. If any Council Member is present but does not vote, the minutes, as to his or her name, shall be marked “Present-Not Voting.”
(A) Signing and publication proof. Every ordinance and resolution passed by the City Council shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, and filed by the City Clerk in the ordinance or resolution book. Proof of publication of every ordinance shall be attached and filed with the ordinance.
(B) Repeals and amendments. Every ordinance or resolution repealing a previous ordinance or resolution or a section or subdivision thereof shall give the number, if any, and the title of the ordinance or code number of the ordinance or resolution to be repealed in whole or in part. Each ordinance or resolution amending an existing ordinance or resolution or part thereof shall set forth in full each amended section or subdivision as it will read with the amendment.