Any person who owns, operates, controls or maintains a licensed business or commercial location and who possesses necessary federal, state and/or local jurisdictional licenses to sell, remodel, refurbish, renovate, paint, restore or otherwise repair any vehicle designed for self propulsion, including, but not limited to, any automobile, boat, golf cart, any dismantled or partially dismantled vehicle, vehicle parts or accessories, shall be exempt from certain requirements of this article as follows:
a. Properly licensed business owners or operators may park, store, maintain or keep vehicles offered for sale upon their licensed private business or commercial property and in public view, but may not block or obstruct a public street or right-of-way;
b. Properly licensed business owners or operators may park, store, maintain or keep vehicles under repair upon their licensed private business or commercial property and in public view for 90 days, if the vehicle is being actively repaired and has a current vehicle license; and
c. Properly licensed business owners or operators must store all other vehicles in accordance with the regulations of this article.
1. Any person who permits any vehicle to remain in the town in violation of this article, after having been provided 30 days’ notice, shall be issued a uniform citation with a scheduled court date. The bond and/or fine for the violation shall not exceed $100 or 15 days imprisonment; provided, however, no subsequent summonses shall be written or issued for the same violation until after disposition of the primary violation in a court of competent jurisdiction.
2. Any person who permits any vehicle to remain in violation of this article, after having been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction for a first offense for five consecutive days after the conviction, shall be issued a second uniform traffic citation. The fine for the subsequent violations shall not exceed $500 or 30 days imprisonment. Each day of violations shall constitute a separate offense.
3. Sufficient notice is hereby determined when a copy of same has been posted in a conspicuous place upon the vehicle or upon the private property on which the vehicle is located, and a duplicate copy is sent by registered mail to the last known address of the owner of the vehicle or the owner or occupant of the private property.
(Prior Code, § 18.408)