For the purpose of this article, a vehicle shall be determined to have been
ABANDONED under one or more of the following circumstances:
a. Any vehicle left upon a street or highway in violation of a law or ordinance;
b. Any vehicle failing to display a current license plate;
c. Any vehicle that is dismantled or partially dismantled, damaged or left exposed, uncovered, unscreened or unenclosed;
d. Any vehicle incapable of self propulsion or incapable of being driven or operated in the manner for which it was originally intended;
e. Any vehicle left, stored or abandoned on property owned, operated or controlled by the town without written consent;
f. Any vehicle left on private property without the consent of the owner, occupant or lessee thereof for a period in excess of 24 hours; or
g. Any vehicle left, stored or abandoned on any public street or right-of-way of the town for a period in excess of seven days.
(Prior Code, § 18.402)