a.   The presiding officer shall not abuse his or her position by controlling or directing debate to favor his or her views.
   b.   The presiding officer shall ensure that all Council members have an opportunity to express their views on matters properly presented for discussion. The presiding officer may temporarily relinquish the chair in order to engage in active debate or discussion.
   c.   The presiding officer shall have the same rights/responsibilities as other Council members with regard to making motions and voting, without leaving the chair.
   d.   During a meeting, Council members shall request permission of the Mayor or presiding officer before speaking. One member shall speak at a time.
   e.   Council members have the right to disagree, but shall not engage in shouting, arguments or personally disrespectful behavior towards each other during meetings.
   f.   All citizens have a right to participate in, but not to interrupt Town Council meetings. Therefore, a period of time (citizens’ agenda) shall be set aside at every meeting to afford citizens an opportunity to speak on any town related subject. Citizens wishing to speak shall add their name and address to a roster maintained by the Clerk, if requested to do so.
   g.   Citizens may also request to be added to the regular agenda at the next scheduled meeting. If a number of citizens wish to speak at any meeting, the Mayor or presiding officer may reasonably limit the length of time allotted to each citizen and shall state the time limitations before the public comments begin.
   h.   In unusual cases and by a majority vote, Council may permit public discussion or input on a specific subject during a meeting. Otherwise, no person from the audience may interrupt the Council meeting or address the Council unless recognized by the Mayor or presiding officer. Citizens who have been denied permission to speak may be placed on the citizens’ agenda. Persons who are disorderly or who act in a threatening manner may be asked to leave the Council chamber.
   i.   No member of Council shall speak more than twice on the same question, except to explain his or her position, without concurrence of a majority of the Council.
   j.   Rules of procedure may be temporarily suspended during a meeting by a favorable two-thirds vote of Council present at the meeting.
(Prior Code, § 2.315)
Editor’s note:
   This section derives from generally accepted municipal practices.