§ 2.314  VOTING.
   a.   The result of each vote on every question shall be recorded in the minutes by the Clerk/Treasurer. The “yeas” and “nays” on any question shall be recorded, when requested by any member.
   b.   Every member of Council shall vote on every question, except when required to refrain from voting by state law.
   c.   A show of hands or a voice vote shall be sufficient to record votes. The Mayor shall be entitled to vote as other members of Council.
   d.   The Mayor may make a motion without leaving the chair.
   e.   During the meeting, no member shall leave the Council chamber without permission from the presiding officer.
   f.   Any member abstaining from voting shall submit his or her reason in writing, which shall be given to the Council for inclusion in the official minutes of the Council meeting, when requested by a majority of Council.
   g.   Any member, at his or her request, shall have his or her reasons for voting for or against any measure recorded in the minutes.
   h.   Neither the Mayor nor any member of Council shall vote on any question of a private nature in which he or she is personally or financially interested.
(S.C. Code § 8-13-700)  (Prior Code, § 2.314)
Editor’s note:
   The Municipal Association strongly recommends that all members vote on every question, except when required by law to refrain, such as having personal interest in the matter under discussion.
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see S.C. Code §§ 5-7-130 and 5-13-30.