If the Commission determines that the proposed construction, reconstruction, or alteration of the exterior architectural factor involved will be appropriate or, although inappropriate owing to conditions aforesaid, failure to issue a certificate of appropriateness will result in substantial hardship to the applicant and issuance thereof may be made without substantial detriment or derogation as aforesaid or if the Commission fails to make a termination hereinbefore prescribed, the Secretary of the Commission shall forthwith issue to the applicant, a certificate of appropriateness. If the Commission determines that a certificate of appropriateness should not be issued, the Commission shall forthwith spread on its records the reason for such determination and may include recommendations respecting the proposed construction, reconstruction, or alteration. Thereupon the Secretary of the Commission shall forthwith notify the applicant of such determination transmitting to him an attested copy of the reasons and recommendations, if any, of the Commission.
(1993 Code 153.07)