(a) (1) No person shall construct any exterior architectural feature in the Roscoe Village, or reconstruct, alter, change the exterior color of, or demolish any such feature now or hereafter in such district, until such person has filed with the Secretary of the Commission an application for a certificate of appropriateness in such form and with such plans, specifications, and other material as the Commission may from time to time prescribe and a certificate of appropriateness shall have been issued as hereinafter provided in this section.
(2) Within thirty days after the filing of an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the Commission shall determine whether the proposed construction, reconstruction, or alteration of the exterior architectural features involved will be appropriate to the preservation of Roscoe Village pursuant to the purposes of this chapter and whether, notwithstanding that it may be inappropriate owing to conditions especially affecting the structure involved, but not affecting the Roscoe Village generally, failure to issue a certificate of appropriateness will involve a substantial hardship to the applicant and such a certificate may be issued without substantial detriment to the public welfare and without substantial derogation from the interest and purpose of this chapter. In passing on appropriateness, the Commission shall consider, in addition to the factors outlined in subsection (b) hereof, the historical and architectural value and significance, architectural style, general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the exterior architectural factor involved and the relation thereof to the exterior architectural factors of other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
(b) In making the determination of appropriateness of any proposed construction, reconstruction, alteration, or demolition of any exterior architectural feature, as provided in subsection (a) hereof, the Commission shall deem such proposed feature appropriate to the preservation of Roscoe Village, as that phrase is used in subsection (a) hereof, only when such proposed feature complies with each of the following architectural or decorative requirements:
(1) Roof pitch. Roofs shall have a minimum vertical rise of six inches for each one foot of horizontal length.
(2) Roof material. Only the following materials shall be used for roofs, fire resistant wood shingles; metal, slate or asphalt, of dark muted colors.
(3) Bricks. All bricks used in any building or wall shall be sand molded. Blend (color), texture of bricks, and mortar joints must be similar to the existing Roscoe Village buildings erected in the 1800's.
(4) Sidewalls. Only the following materials shall be used for sidewalls in all structures, including garages:
A. Wood clapboards with an exposure of five inches (corner boards are generally used);
B. Board and batten; or
C. Bricks, in accordance with subsection (b)(3) hereof.
(5) Cornice and overhang. Cornice and overhang shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings on file in the offices of the Commission.
(6) Chimneys. Chimneys shall be of brick construction with minimum exposure of flue liners and shall be constructed in accordance with detailed drawings on file in the offices of the Commission.
(7) Foundations. Foundations are usually of sandstone. Concrete blocks may be used for foundations only if such blocks are cement parged. Brick may also be used. No material other than sandstone, concrete blocks of the type described herein or bricks may be used for foundations.
(8) Windows.
A. In residences, windows shall be double hung, with muntins.
B. In commercial buildings and all buildings other than residences, windows shall be subdivided with muntins.
(9) Shutters. Window shutters shall be simple louvers or panels. The width of each shutter shall be one-half the width of the window; for example, if the shutter were closed, it would completely cover the window.
(10) Entrance doors. Entrance doors shall have a minimum of four panels, with or without glass in the upper panels. Either transom glass or side glass may be used.
(11) Garage doors. Garage doors shall be of a colonial design and constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings on file in the offices of the Commission.
(12) Porch posts, railings, and fences. Porch posts, railings, and fences shall be of wood construction or of simple metal construction only, and constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings on file in the offices of the Commission.
(13) Signs. Signs for commercial buildings shall follow the architectural style and period of the building to which they are attached. Signs shall be located flat against the building, bracketed out with appropriate iron or wood brackets, or post mounted.
(14) Retaining walls. Only the following materials shall be used for retaining walls: sandstone, concrete block, with cement parged, brick, or reinforced concrete.
(15) Exterior lights. Exterior lanterns or lights shall be wall or post mounted and patterned after old examples of the period prior to 1900.
(16) Paint. Paint samples are available at the offices of the Roscoe Village Restoration.
(17) Plastic materials. Plastic materials in awnings or window boxes shall not be used.
(18) Utility lines. In all new construction, all utility lines shall be placed underground. (1993 Code 153.06)