The lot size, width, depth, shape, orientation, and the minimum setback line shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated in order to secure and provide for the proper arrangement of existing or planned streets, adequate and convenient open space, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, light, air, and for the avoidance of congestion of population.
(a) Area and Shape. Lot areas shall be at least as large as the minimum requirements of the City's Zoning Code, or as otherwise provided for in the County Subdivision Regulations. The Commission may limit to a maximum ratio of 3-1/2 to 1 the depth to width of lots for the most efficient use of land.
(b) Ingress and Egress. The subdividing of land shall be such as to provide each lot with frontage on a public street.
(c) Double and Reverse Frontage. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots may be allowed where they are essential to provide separation of residential development from major streets or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least 20 feet, and across which there would be no right of access should be provided along the line of lots abutting such traffic artery or other disadvantageous use.
(d) Building Lines. Building setback side rear yard lines shall be at least as large as the minimum requirements of the City Zoning Code, or as otherwise provided for in the County Subdivision Regulations.
(e) Lot Identification. All lots shall be numbered by the County Recorder.
(Ord. 74-76. Passed 9-13-76.)