These regulations shall be applicable to major and minor subdivisions as defined in these regulations, and partitions of land, within the City, and the territory within three miles of the corporate limits thereof.
   (a)    Partitions. Wherever land is to be divided by the process of partition in court pursuant to Ohio R.C. 5307.06, all petitions for the partition shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission which shall take action thereon within 30 days or within such additional time as agreed on by the petitioners.
   (b)    Exemptions. The following divisions of land are not subject to the provisions of these regulations.
      (1)    The division or partition of land into parcels of more than five acres not involving any new public streets or easements of access; or
      (2)    The sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites as defined by zoning or these regulations or reduce the original tract below the requirements of zoning or these regulations.
         (Ord. 74-76. Passed 9-13-76.)