(a)    General. Accessory uses or structures permitted and as regulated in the R-1 District, except that the raising or keeping of farm animals shall not be permitted on any lands used or platted for residential purposes.
    (b)    Professional Offices. The office or studio in the residence of a physician, dentist, artist, lawyer, engineer, teacher, architect, or other member of a recognized profession, but not including beauty parlors, barber shops, and schools of any kind with organized classes or similar activity, provided that not more than one-half of the floor area of one floor of the dwelling is devoted to such accessory use, that not more than one person not a resident on the premises is employed, that no such use shall require structural alterations or involve construction features not customary in dwellings, and that the entrance to such office or studio shall be from within the dwelling. An unlighted name plate only, of not over one square foot in area and attached flat against the building, shall be permitted.
   (c)    Home Occupations. Customary home occupations, such as handicraft, dressmaking, millinery, laundry, preserving, and home cooking, provided that such occupation shall be conducted exclusively by resident occupants, that not more than one-quarter of the area of one floor of such residence shall be used for such purpose, that no structural alterations or constructions involving features not customarily found in dwellings are required, and that the entrance to the space devoted to such use shall be from the dwelling. An unlighted sign only, of not over one square foot in area and attached flat against the building, shall be permitted.
   (d)    Roomers. The keeping of not more than three roomers or boarders by a resident family. (Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)