No building, structure, or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered, or enlarged, which is arranged, intended, or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided in Chapter 1143.
   (a)   Residential. One-family detached dwellings.
   (b)   Institutional and Cultural. Churches and other places of worship and Sunday school buildings located not less than 20 feet from any other lot in any R District; schools and colleges for academic instruction located not less than 40 feet from any other lot in any R District, and public library, public museum, public art gallery, and similar public cultural uses located not less than 20 feet from any other lot in any R District.
   (c)   Recreational. Public parks, playgrounds, recreational and community center buildings and grounds, golf courses, country clubs, tennis courts, and similar recreational uses, all of a noncommercial nature, provided that any principal building used therefor shall be located not less than 40 feet from any other lot in any R District.
   (d)    Agricultural. Nurseries, greenhouses, and general farming, not including commercial animal farms or kennels, provided any lot or tract in such use shall be not less than five acres in area and provided that any greenhouse heating plant or any building in which farm animals are kept shall be distant not less than 200 feet from every lot line.
   (e)   Essential Services. As defined in Section 1113.16.
      (Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)